Chapter 5

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The first thing Bart did when the door closed was look at Charlotte. She must've had the same reaction as him because she was already looking at him when their eyes met. With all the revelations about this new world and his role in it, Bart never stopped to think that he would actually start training. He definitely didn't think about Charlotte's role in all of this.

"So, I remember my mom telling me you were from this world too," Bart said. Charlotte looked away for a few seconds before responding.

"Yeah, about that," she said. "I've talked to my dad and he confessed everything. He told me that I was born in Zathya, just like you. Then he continued to tell me that my mom might be alive." She paused and looked down at her hands. Bart knew what was going on. Charlotte had been told her mother died a long time ago. She always pictured her mom in some idolized way, yet now, in light of all these truths coming forward, she must be afraid, angry, and excited all at once. The possibility that her mom is alive was more than enough information for her to bear.

"I see," Bart said trying to find the words to comfort her.

"My whole life Bart," Charlotte started to say. "My whole life my dad said she was dead. Now he tells me that she might be alive and we might see her. It's too much. Too much for one person to take on." Bart wished he could help her. He wished he could find the right words to say, to encourage her but he knew he would be no help. He just found out his dad was dead. That devastated him and he never really knew the guy. Yet here Charlotte was, with the opportunity to see her mom. It must be just as tough. "Well, you should probably rest," Charlotte said. "She said you need to, and besides we need to be well prepared for training." Bart nodded in agreement and lied down next to his mom. He didn't want to do anything but make her better now and if that meant resting and training then that's what he would do.

"Charlotte," Bart screamed as he awoke from his nap. He didn't see his mom anywhere and that frightened him. Charlotte was passed out on the floor and she jumped up when her named was called.

"What, what is it?" she asked clearly confused.

"Where is my mom?" Charlotte looked angry.

"Bart, come on," she said. "They came and took her. Victoria told you they were leaving tonight."

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"Because you needed your rest remember? You'll see her tomorrow anyway." Bart remembered what Victoria said and felt bad now for causing a scene. He stood up and stretched. He took a step and then remembered his knee and hesitated, but this time there was no pain. He looked down at his knee and realized the scar was gone as well.

"Charlotte my knee," he exclaimed. Charlotte just gave him an evil look and then stood to stretch.

"Oh hooray for Bart," she said. "My knee is all better so let me ruin Charlottes great dreams!" Bart smiled at her.

"Sorry," he said.

"No it's fine I like being suddenly awoken by my name being screamed for small reasons. It's such a fantastic way to end my peaceful rest." The sarcastic tone wasn't lost on Bart as Charlotte rolled her eyes at him. He knew she was a little irritated. "Ah, whatever. We should probably go find Victoria anyway, it's almost nine." Charlotte started towards the door and but Bart didn't move. When she realized he wasn't following she looked back and found him staring out the window. "What's wrong?"

"Do we really want to do this?" he asked quietly. "I mean our whole lives have been here. Why should we leave? Plus I'm in no rush to be slaughtered like a wild pig by these thugs from before." Bart could tell Charlotte knew what he meant by the way she was looking at him. Yet, even with her support he felt nervous. Yes, obviously things would change and Bart was always up for an adventure but in this moment he wasn't quite sure he was ready for change. A change this big and dangerous wasn't something that he wanted to jump right into.

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