Chapter 27

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Bart stood there dumbfounded by the news. As he stared at the young girl standing across from him, he noticed that she was just as surprised as he was to learn that they were siblings. Bart had always been a single child and there was never a mention of another kid ever. Yet the longer Bart stayed in this place, this world, the more secrets started to unfold.

"Is this a joke?" Bart asked, finally breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm afraid not," said Anna Nelson, opening her eyes slowly. Bart rushed to her bedside, as did Emilia, which irritated Bart.

"Mom," he said feeling overjoyed that she had opened her eyes again. She smiled and placed her hand to his cheek catching the tears of happiness that were starting to slowly flow. "I thought you would never wake up," Bart continued.

"Ah come on," she said with a slight cough. "Your mom's a lot tougher than she looks." Then she looked up to Demetrius who just stuck his hand up to stop her from speaking. It was clear that she intended to thank him, but he didn't need to hear it to know how grateful she was.

"I will give you three some time to talk," he said as he stepped outside the door.

"Mom what's going on?" Bart asked trying to still get a hold on the fact that he had a sister. Emilia just kept staring at Anna with tears filling her eyes.

"It's a long story, but what Demetrius said is true," she started. "You two are brother and sister." Bart looked at Emilia who immediately returned his unfavorable glance.

"But mom," Bart started. "How is this even possible?"

"It was during the time where you had just been born, sweetie. I believe it was one year to be exact," said Anna. Bart thought back to how, for nearly fifteen years he thought that the moment he was born was when his dad left, but he remembered how he found out not too long ago that all of that was a lie. He thought about getting mad again but realized it wasn't worth it. "When we had you, Emilia, it was an even tougher decision to leave and separate. Yet I knew it had to be done. I would've taken you with me, too but since I already had your brother, Alexander felt it would be unfair if he didn't get to have one of his children." Emilia was crying now and Bart could imagine how she felt. This was the first time she was seeing her mother, something Bart would never get to share with their father. It must've been tough for her to handle. "You have his eyes," Anna said to her daughter. Emilia looked at her mother and then at Bart who didn't know what to say, but he was less angry at Emilia than he was at their parents.

"Nice to meet you," Bart said extending his hand, trying to defuse the tension. Emilia looked at him and then down at his hand before she wiped her face clean of the tears and stood up.

"You are no family of mine," she said as she ran towards the door. As soon as the door opened Demetrius was standing there and a man was standing in front of him with a worried look on his face. They looked like they had been talking about something very serious.

"She was just engulfed in a bright white light and when it died out she was back asleep," said the man. Bart stood up, still holding his mom's hand trying to get a better listen.

"Find Victoria now," Demetrius said firmly. He turned towards the room and looked directly at Bart. "Bart, you are going to want to come with me," he said. Bart looked at his mom and then back at Demetrius.

"My mom just woke up," Bart said.

"I understand but trust me Bart. You are going to want to come with me." Bart didn't understand why Demetrius was acting this way, but it was unnerving. His mom squeezed his hand tight.

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