Chapter 17

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Mr. Phinnly had rushed over into the bedroom and returned with a bag big enough to carry one pair of clothes and some food. The whole time he was mumbling to himself and repeating things that Bart couldn't quite make out.

"Mr. Phinnly, sir, what is going on?" Bart asked starting to become a little afraid.

"You aren't supposed to be here," he said, stuffing food and water in the bag.

"Why not?" Charlotte asked. "What's happening?" Charlotte was just as confused as Bart was.

"They will be looking for you here," he said frantically, rushing back into the bedroom.

"Wait, who will be looking for us?" Bart said.

"The Prince and his henchman, his henchman of course," he yelled from in the bedroom. Bart looked to Charlotte who had no answers for him. Bart was tired of hearing of this Prince guy and not knowing who he was. He didn't even know why he was after Bart.

"The only safe place in Crestcon is the castle, and that's where you need to be, the castle I said." He came out of the bedroom and shoved the bag into Bart's chest. "It's a three day journey through the Crestcon wood and you will need all the food and water you can get, all the food and water I say." Bart tried to speak up but he stopped him. "Don't stop to look back, just keep running. I have included a map of Crestcon wood in the bag, and you will need it." Bart was confused as to why he even needed a map. The castle didn't look that far away.

"The castle is just on the other side of the forest, right?" Bart asked. "I mean I can see it from the hill by the market."

"No boy, no," Mr. Phinnly said while scratching his head. "Crestcon Wood, just like many places in Zathya, is enchanted, enchanted is what I said. Once you are in, you can lose your way if you don't already know the way. No one can make it through the woods the first time without help. If you try, you will never make it out, never I say. Things change in the woods." Bart didn't like the sound of that at all. Getting lost in the woods was not an option. If he and Charlotte got lost how would they ever get out? What if no one knew where to look? "Now the map has the path to the castle on it, but the path is only visible when it is in your hands, girl." Charlotte seemed a little shocked that he pointed at her and not Bart.

"Why me?" she asked.

"Just because, now go before it's too late," Mr. Phinnly responded angrily. Before Bart could say anything he was ushering them out the door. "Remember, don't look back," Phinnly repeated. Just when Bart was about to just give up and start running with Charlotte, they heard chatter coming from down the road. They couldn't make out what was being said but Mr. Phinnly clearly didn't like the situation. "Too late," he whispered and then he grabbed the two friends and pulled them back in the house. "Under the bed, and don't say a word, a word I said. I can hide you as long as you do not move or make a sound. Not even the slightest movement." He led them into the room and they got under the bed. Bart could feel Charlotte quivering and he knew she was probably scared out of her mind. Within the next two minutes there was a loud knock at the door. "Evening gentlemen, how can I help you?" Mr. Phinnly said politely as the door creaked open. Bart heard footsteps and then he could see feet outside the bedroom door standing by the dining room table. Whoever it was, they were wearing black penny loafer dress shoes.

"Thank you for inviting us into your home, Jarick," said a man who Bartholomew instantly knew by the sleazy tone of his voice. He thought to himself Mafortian.

"Always a pleasure Mafortian, always a pleasure," Mr. Phinnly said. "Is there something that you are looking for tonight?"

"Interesting choice of words, old man," Mafortian said in reply. All Bart could see was the movement of feet around the table but he heard others moving into the room. He counted at least ten other pairs of feet that were visible in the dining room but he didn't know how many were actually present. "We were wondering if you had seen a boy around the market today. A young boy who isn't from around here. He would've been with a young girl who also isn't from around here." Bart hated Mafortian's voice. It angered him every time he spoke.

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