Chapter 3

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"Do we know each other?" Bart asked a little confused.

"No we haven't met before," the boy said. Bart looked him up and down, concluding that the boy was weird. He had short, messy black hair that covered his forehead. He was a little taller than Bart, maybe 5'10. His skin was pale but all this wasn't what was weird about him. The long black trench coat for starters was one peculiar piece of clothing especially since it was the summer time. He was wearing boots and blue jeans with a white tee shirt under the jacket. Although the boy was strange, there was also something familiar about his face that Bart couldn't quite pinpoint.

"How did you get in my house? And how do you know my name?"

"We will have time for all the introductions later, but for now we've got to leave this place," the boy responded.

"Leave? No, you've got to leave this place, not me. This is my house," Bart responded, still with his guard up.

"I understand you have some doubts about me seeing as we've never met, but my father can clear this all up. Speaking of my father, do you know where he is?" Bart just looked at him like he was crazy.

"If I don't know you, what makes you think I know your father?"

"Well you must know him, he's your guardian." Bart was starting to get more confused as the seconds passed by. He looked around thinking this guy must be talking about another Bartholomew Nelson because Bart had no idea what he was talking about.

"He's my what? You've gone insane. I live with my mother, so I don't know what guardian you're talking about."

"Interesting. You should know who I'm talking about without further explanation but I will explain further anyway. His name is Calebis Elletan, but you might know him by his hidden name, Caleb Ellis Johnson. My name is Jonah Elletan." Now Bart was sure something weird was going on. The only Caleb he knew was his uncle, and he never spoke of any hidden names. Then again, everyone had been lying lately, so the idea of hidden names wasn't too farfetched.

"You're crazy. There is no guardian here. Now leave."

"I am afraid I can't do that, Bartholomew. You are in danger, and I've been sent to retrieve you and the others so we can get you to safety." Bart wasn't convinced in the slightest of this guy's story, but he gave Bart the creeps. He looked like a seventeen year old but he talked like he was forty. It was odd. He had to think of a way out of the house and a way to get this Jonah guy out, too.

"Okay, how about I go get Caleb or Calebis, whatever, and bring him to you?"

"Ah, that would be great but we haven't the time. I'll go with you."

"No, um, I got this. Trust me. I will be back in less than ten." Jonah stared at Bart for a few seconds, eyes narrowing, which gave Bart a serious feeling of uneasiness.

"I will agree to let you go but if you do not return in ten minutes I will come after you," he said. Relieved, Bart jumped at the chance to get out of the house.

"Agreed, but you have to wait outside the house," he said.

"Fair enough," Jonah agreed and he followed Bart outside.

"Don't go back in there," he said as he locked the door. Then he sprinted away not wanting to spend another moment with this nut case. This Jonah character was completely off his rocker as far as Bart was concerned, and he had to warn his uncle before this guy found him. Uncle Caleb had never mentioned a son to Bart so he figured Jonah was lying. Bart actually thought about stopping to get the authorities. He had never seen this guy before, and now that he thought about it, leaving him at the house by himself might not have been the brightest of ideas. If he broke in once he could do it again, but he couldn't turn back around now and his reputation as one of the town's troublemakers would make it hard to convince the cops he was telling the truth. So he kept sprinting all the way back to the field. He didn't see his uncle anywhere. He passed the maze and avoided Stacey's gaze and then ran back to the haunted house, but still no Uncle Caleb. He ran to the pharmacy and saw his Uncle standing outside with his mom. He ran over and heard them yelling at each other. Normally Bart would hide and listen in, but this time he decided that the strange teenage boy in his house trumped being nosey. "Uncle Caleb!" he screamed as he got closer.

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