Chapter 22

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Thalia led him straight to Charlotte and Leo and then whispered something in Leo's ear. Then he stood up and they took Bart and Charlotte back to the tent as Bart heard the King announce that the festival was over.

"What's going on?" Charlotte asked as soon as Thalia left.

"Mafortian has tracked us and he will be here within the hour," Leo said. Charlotte's face drained of any color that was present. Bart was a little confused as well. He thought Angelo was the one after him. Then he realized that Angelo was probably working with Mafortian. Charlotte sat on the bed and took some deep breaths. She had felt safe here the entire time. Now Mafortian and his hordes of men were bearing down on the village and that safety was jeopardized. Before either of them spoke again, Leo walked out the tent with his bow and arrows and a small sword on his hip.

"Where is he going?" Charlotte asked, but Bart barely even noticed.

"Bart can I talk to you for a second," Benita asked politely. Charlotte glared at her but she ignored Charlotte. She just continued to look at Bart.

"Sure," Bart said.

"I just want to say that it was great meeting you. You're a great person and I think you'll make a wonderful king." Bart just continued to look at her. There was something about how she was speaking that made him feel like they might never meet again, but he didn't want to believe that. "I'll always treasure our time together," she added. Before Bart could even open his mouth to speak, she left the tent. He was about to run after her when Leo walked back in.

"Do you have everything?" Leo asked. Bart looked at Charlotte who was giving him an evil look.

"Yes I'm ready," she said as she grabbed the already packed bag. Bart wondered why it was already packed but he didn't have time to question it.

"Then we must go now." Leo turned and exited the tent and Charlotte followed him quickly with the bag in hand. Bart stood there still pondering what Benita meant by everything she had said. Yeah it seemed pretty straightforward, but Bart felt like there was a hidden meaning in her words. He stayed there for about five seconds before following them out of the tent. There was mass panic, exactly what the King had wanted to avoid. People were rushing to get inside; parents were rushing to gather their children. It was pandemonium. "Don't worry about this, we have to leave," Leo said and then he and Charlotte sprinted off. Bart followed closely still looking around wishing there was something he could do. The next image he saw was a child who had tripped over a stick when the far edge of the village erupted in flames.

"THEY'RE HERE!" Bart heard someone scream. He wanted to turn and fight, these people deserved help, but he knew he wouldn't be that much help. He watched more flames erupt around the village and then, with a little hesitation, he dashed through the trees and followed Leo and Charlotte.

They didn't stop running for at least half an hour and Leo always changed directions every ten minutes.

"Won't we be lost if we keep going in different directions?" asked Charlotte when they finally took a break. "I mean how can you even tell where we are right now with the moon being virtually invisible?" Leo just smirked as he checked the surrounding area carefully.

"My sister and I used to play in these woods after dark all the time," he said finally. "We would sneak out and play for hours upon hours. Hide and go seek, tag, you name it. We had a blast out here when we were young."

"Were you not allowed out here or something?" asked Charlotte.

"No but I assume my father knew anyway," he said. "He is actually a very wise man contrary to popular belief. It's how we have stayed so secluded and safe all these years."

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