Chapter 21

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Charlotte was pacing back and forth in Bart's tent when he arrived. He could tell by the look on her face that she was far past angry.

"Come to yell some more?" Bart asked sarcastically.

"Where have you been?" she yelled when she saw him. "I thought you did something crazy like run off and try and go to the castle by yourself." Bart looked at her like she was out of her mind.

"That's a yes," he muttered to himself. "Are you nuts?" he asked. "What makes you think I would make a stupid decision like that?"

"Well you've made stupid decisions before so I wouldn't put it past you." Bart knew that was just the anger speaking so he let it go for now. He made a mental note to not let her off so easy later on.

"I just went to train and blow off some steam, calm down." Charlotte looked a little surprised that he said he went to go train, which didn't sit well with Bart. Did everyone think he was a moron or something? That he didn't care about anything?

"Well I just assumed because we had you know." Bart knew exactly what she was referring to.

"Yeah, because we fought," he said unenthusiastically. "We fought and you ran off with your boyfriend." He added the last bit to piss her off, and by her reaction, it worked.

"He is not my boyfriend," she screamed coming around to try and swing at Bart but he narrowly dodged her open palm.

"Sure, tell him that."

"Just because somebody is nice to me and is showing me the ropes to some new skills doesn't mean we're dating!" Her anger was obvious now, but Bart only found it amusing.

"Whatever you say," he said stepping past her and sitting on the edge of the hard bed.

"Anyway, you missed lunch and dinner. How long were you out there practicing anyway?" Bart hadn't even realized that he hadn't eaten anything in a while and it wasn't until Charlotte mentioned it that his stomach started hurting.

"I was walking around before," he responded. "I didn't even realize that I was hungry until now."

"Well you have to go ask the King if you can get some food now, I think all the cooks went to bed." Bart didn't feel like going and talking to the King but he was hungry.

"You going to come too?" he asked hoping to have a companion.

"No probably not. I'm too tired. Plus I have to get up and practice my shooting with Leo tomorrow morning. I've gotten really good with a bow, Bart." Bart didn't care about the last part of what Char said. The fact that she would rather spend time with Leo instead of hang out with him said enough. In all the years that the two of them had been friends, Charlotte never ditched Bart for anyone else, not even her dad. The fact that this Leo guy had her in his trance really bothered Bart.

"Right," he said softly, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"Come on Bart-"

"No worries Char," he said interrupting her before she could finish. "I'll see you at breakfast." Before she could complain, he headed out of the tent and towards the Kings tent. He didn't feel like fighting anymore and if this is what Charlotte wanted, he wasn't going to stop her. Maybe going without her to the castle was a good idea.

The tent was once again nearly empty but the King sat upon his throne, speaking with a few gentlemen and one lady. They were all wearing armor and had weapons strapped to their backs and belts.

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