Green and Black Devil: Origins

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A/N I hope you all are prepared for this story; it is completely different from what I had on other stories in the past regarding MHA and Highschool DXD characters meeting one another. This is to see if you all like how this story goes and want to see more, I know that I should probably stick to my other stories since I have over 30 of them that are made and a good half of them that are either not finished or discontinued until further notice. Let's begin this damning tale.

"If you want to be a Hero, there might actually be a way you could do it." An ash-blonde haired boy said, as he stopped in front of the classroom door. A young man with green and black hair looked over at his old(not)friend and waited in abated breath in order to hear the advice. "You might get a quirk in your next life if you jump off the roof!" The boy said, as he turned to leave, but in the corner of his vision he found the boy glaring at him with an offended look on his face. "What? You got something to say?" The boy said, activating his power of explosions to make small sparks on his hands. It culled the smaller boy's rage as well as anger at the situation he was given, that was Midoriya Izuku who had just been suicide baited. He had been dealing with the people who bully and belittle him for over a decade and a half, and his anger as well as fury are slowly trying to come out of him the longer, he tries to bottle in all the rage and hatred within his soul. He has the heart of a Hero, who would literally die in order to protect you from any and all harm all because of the fact that he personally believes that you would be better off living than he would. He was already alone whenever he made it home from school, so what was the point of saving oneself if he could just go out in a blaze of glory as that one quirkless kid who saved someone. As Midoriya was walking down the street after having grabbed his notebook that was waterlogged as well as burnt on the edges and inside, he was walking home. No real destination in sight for his eyes as he thought about the suicide baiting of his old friend. There was no way he could be doing this right? He knew about the implications about him actually following through with his words... right? Shaking his head Izuku continued down the road through an underpass, but as he was on the other side, a manhole cover had slammed into his back sending him to the ground. "UGHN!" The boy grunted in pain. Getting up from the ground he was met with a grotesque monster made of sludge as it looked around as if seemingly running away from something. "I didn't know that HE was here! Oh, would you look at that! A meat suits! You're a real hero man! I can't believe that HE would come here, you are really giving me a chance at escape!" The villain said, as Izuku lost all motor functions when the villain had grabbed him immediately. As Izuku struggled with a vain effort, he could only think about how his mother would react to his death on the news, but before his vision had started to wane and fall into unconsciousness, he heard a voice that caused him to struggle just a bit more. 

"Worry not young man! Why? FOR I AM HERE!" All Might's voice rang out in the underpass as the villain let out a screech. "Damn you All Might!?" The villain screeched out as a massive blast of wind smacked Izuku out of the villain's grasp as Izuku could only let out a painful moan of... "All Might?" Before passing out.


Standing on the top of a roof about 10 minutes after being rescued by All Might, Izuku had sat there in place as the Hero told him that he couldn't become a Hero without a Quirk. That it was just too dangerous for someone like him to enter the Hero stage and try and save lives, even gave him encouragement to become a Police Officer as well as doctor whilst he was at it. Still trying to get the young man to choose a different path of Heroism, but as the man left the rooftop, Izuku could still hear the final words of his savior as well as idol. "I cannot simply say that you can become a Hero without a Quirk. It's alright to dream young man, but... you should probably be a bit more realistic with your choice of a job application." All Might said, as he left the boy on the rooftop. As soon as All Might's presence was gone, as well as the villain in hand, Izuku could only sit there as his hearing was muffled as he thought about what had happened in the last ten minutes. He was saved by All Might, given an autograph by the man in his notebook, then taken to a rooftop after trying to knock him off of his leg... and all before informing the young man that he couldn't become a Hero without a Quirk. Damn, and now Katsuki's last words to him ever since he left school that day were glaring at him and rearing their ugly head. 

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