Green and Black Devil: 4

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Deku the Supernatural Hero! I hope that you all are happy about this chapter coming out, and I certainly hope you all leave a comment in this story about whether or not you all want me to make a crossover between MHA and Attack on Titan. If you all leave a comment about that please let me know about if you want me to make that crossover! See you all at the end of the chapter!

The next morning Izuku was seen planting his Cherry Blossom Tree in the backyard as he looked at the small tree growing from the pot as he dug a small hole. As soon as the small hole was made for the tree, he placed the pot next to the hole as he dug out the roots to the tree as he planted it in the backyard in order to watch it grow over the next few days. As soon as that was done, he went back inside the house as he took a shower to take care of the dirt and grime on his body from digging in the backyard. Once said shower was complete, he re-entered the kitchen as he started to make breakfast for those in the house. The breakfast was something Inko Midoriya would make for him on a daily basis as it was his favorite food that the human world made for him. Smiling down at the food he was making; it was actually the only fond memory of the woman he ever had before the quirkless diagnosis before finding out that he wasn't even human in the first place. The food item he was making was Katsudon, it was a really heavenly food item that humans could make from pork rice as well as eggs. He finished making the rice as well as the pork as he prepared the eggs when he heard Issei coming down the stairs and into the kitchen with Miki Hyoudou and Gorou Hyoudou. "Morning Bro, how are you doing today?" Issei asked, as he sat down at the table. "I'm fine, just planted a tree in the backyard. It will spend the next few days growing back there since it got too big for my bedroom, I hope that it grows big enough to be a calming spot for me." Izuku said, as he finished the eggs and placing it in each bowl of Katsudon that was made. As the small family ate the food Izuku made, they had actually had to do a spit take as they stopped eating to look at Izuku who had been sitting at the table eating his own bowl of Katsudon. The young boy was actually looking like a baby having the first meal of his life as his eyes sparkled as he ate the food. "Izuku, since when could you cook this good?" Miki asked, as Izuku thought about it. "Well before I moved in with you all, the only thing I learned how to do was cook with Midoriya Inko. That was certainly the only thing she taught me how to do, since she said, that the best way to get a woman to like me was to get through to her stomach." Izuku said, as Issei smiled. "Well that is half right, the same is with us guys. The best way to make us happier as well as fall in love with a woman or man faster is through our stomachs." Gorou said, as he happily ate the food. It would be a while before the rest of the family would finish the food Izuku made when the young man placed all the bowls and leftovers either in the sink or the fridge for a later meal. Izuku took some leftovers and placed it inside his lunch box so that he could have it for a meal later. Saying goodbye to the Hyoudou's, Izuku left them in order to go to school early so that he could have some milk to drink before classes.


The day of school was amazing for Izuku, the students hadn't talked to him about his quirkless status and apparently the school thought about all the rude comments about him were... punishable. So he had heard about all the students who bad mouthed him in the school either being kicked out of the school or being placed in detention for the remainder of the day. And school was coming to a close in terms of classes since Izuku was nearing the last week of school at Kuoh Junior High. So as he was leaving his last class of the day, he walked over to the principal's office as he entered the room to find Mrs. Sitri looking at him with a smile. "I'm pretty sure I told you to use your magic only when in here or outside in the backyard." The woman said, as she smirked at him with an evil smile. "U-U-Um, I-I-I th-thought that I-I could let m-my magic work... on a plant near m-my bed." Izuku mumbled as the woman sighed and patted his head. "I could feel the magic you were displaying from all the way here, and my daughter had noticed the magic not belonging to any of the living clans of the Devils. She thought you were a rogue Devil in need of killing. I had to tell her about your presence in Kuoh so that she wouldn't get defensive." Sitri said, as Izuku nodded. Time passed as Izuku was now outside with Sitri as they trained him in his magical energy that was quickly growing in time. It seemed the more he used his magic the more he could store up inside of himself without having to need to use it completely. So what he did the previous night granted him the magical power to grow slowly overnight and grow even more in the sunlight. They trained until it was reaching dark as Izuku gathered his things as Sitri smiled at him as he walked out of the school in order to walk home. "Hey Izuku!" Sitri called out, as Izuku turned over to see her. "Make sure that you are known within the Underworld by the time you are a part of Kuoh Academy, they will be glad to bring you into the Underworld's knowledge of magic as well as bring your family heritage lands back into your possession." Sitri said, as Izuku nodded. When Izuku left the area, Grayfia had arrived in the spot where he used to be as she turned around to look at Lady Sitri. "Mrs. Sitri." Grayfia acknowledged, as the woman nodded back. "Grayfia it's been a while, about a week since our last meeting?" Sitri asked, as Grayfia nodded. "I got some news about Izuku Halphas as well as the territory he technically owned in the Underworld when he was still registered as a Young Devil." Grayfia said, as she showed Sitri the lands. "Hm, it seems like he has some land under his name. I'm sure he won't want anything too big for himself, he seems like a minimalist at heart. He would probably get more land for others because of the large heart he bears." Sitri said, as Grayfia nodded. "We are preparing the land for when he enters the Underworld by the end of the school year for humans. There is a slight problem though." Grayfia said, grimacing. "What is wrong?" Sitri asked, as Grayfia gave the woman the details. 

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