Green and Black Devil: 7

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Deku the Supernatural Hero! I am so happy that you all are reading this story and I certainly hope that this one will reach the very same heights that some of the other stories I have written about in the past. I updated AOT: Rise to Heroism so please give that story a read as well. Well anyway, let's begin the chapter!

Izuku had arrived at the convenience store and grabbed all the supplies he needed in order to get dinner done with Miki Hyoudou. The woman was more akin to a mother since the death of his original one apparently, and Inko Midoriya had essentially sealed his power away making his life something that would forever haunt him. He had not hated the woman since she taught him to be kind to others, but he still couldn't forgive her for hiding his true power as well as nature. Shaking his head, he walked through the town in order to arrive at the train station to head back to Kuoh when he ran into a familiar face. "What the hell are you doing here Deku? I thought I told you to jump off a roof?" A blonde-haired boy with ruby red eyes glared at Izuku from afar. The young man had stood at the train station as he kept his back to the young man behind himself, turning around he found that the boy he was looking at was wearing a UA uniform as he glared hatefully at him. "Bakugo, what are you doing here?" Izuku asked, as he had his head looking at him from a point of view that pissed the blonde bomber off. "Should I remind you of your place Deku? You are beneath me, so why are you feeling like you can talk to me like that?" Bakugo asked as he walked over to Izuku hands popping with his quirk. "I'm not afraid of you anymore Kacchan. Just because I was your punching bag for 10 long years doesn't mean that I won't stop being who I am." Izuku said, as Bakugo growled at him. "Then why didn't you come to UA then? I know you still want to be a Hero you dumbass." Bakugo asked, as Izuku stared at him with dead eyes. "I met someone who informed me that my dreams of becoming a Quirkless Hero wouldn't work. And even if I told you who it was, you wouldn't even believe me." Izuku said, as his train arrived. "Deku, what in the fuck are you talking about!?" Bakugo growled as he followed Izuku on the train. "What I mean, Kacchan, is that I nearly took your advice and almost killed myself. I would've left a note as well, but someone stopped me from doing so and accepted me into their family. I won't ever regret choosing to live rather than dying. Not like I could anyway." Izuku said, muttering the last part though. "There is no way you could've given up on becoming a Hero, that's not the same Deku I grew up with." Bakugo said, as he glared at Izuku. "Well Bakugo the Deku you knew and hated to the point you drove him to attempt suicide is long dead. Could you at least leave me alone for once in my pathetic life!? I DON'T NEED YOU TELLING ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO!? I WOULD RATHER DIE RIGHT NOW THAN EVER SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" Izuku screamed in Bakugo's face as he ran down the train to get onto another car.


After that harrowing experience of screaming at Katsuki, Izuku was seen getting off the train and walking through the small town of Kuoh. He was trying to calm his nerves as well as anxiety in the small park within the town as he started to cry. Why couldn't anyone from his past just leave him alone? Why couldn't Kacchan just let him be alone for once in his life without having to deal with the repercussions of his past coming to haunt him!? As he stayed on the ground crying softly, he never noticed the presence of his very first friend and servant Elizabeta coming up behind him and softly rubbing his back and pulling him into a hug. She had felt through her connection with Izuku that the young man's feelings were hurt, and he was in a bad place. So she came to find him through the Evil Piece that resonated within her and found him crying in front of a fountain of Kuoh Park. "Are you okay Izuku?" Elizabeta asked, as she rubbed the boy's back. "No... I-I'm not o-okay." Izuku muttered as he sobbed still. The young dog girl had pulled Izuku into her embrace as she rocked back and forth as the young man was sobbing now into her shirt. In terms of her friends as well as other girls she knew, her chest wasn't something to scoff at, but she wasn't the largest of their school during their middle school years. But she was happy that Izuku placed his head there since it would provide the perfect cushion for him as he sobbed. They sat there in the park for a while before Izuku had run out of tears as he pulled himself away from Elizabeta's shirt. "I-I'm sorry for r-ruining your shirt." Izuku said, as he sniffled. As Izuku stopped crying he stood up as Elizabeta had followed him all the way home, just making sure that he wouldn't walk a different route. Once Izuku entered the house, Miki Hyoudou had walked over to the door to find out what took Izuku so long that day only to come see Izuku with red eyes as he stared at her holding the groceries. "Izuku, what happened? Who made you cry like this?" Miki asked, as she went full on mother over his red eyes. "J-Just met s-someone who was... n-not nice to me I-in the past." Izuku said, as Miki immediately realized who it was. "Is he in a Hero School? Because if he is I can press charges for him harassing you on your way back home." Miki asked, as Izuku stared at her. "I-I don't wish to r-ruin his chances o-of becoming a Hero t-though. I-I want to let this one-time s-slide, I-if he does it again... y-you can re-report it." Izuku said, as Miki huffed before taking the groceries from him and sending him to the living room. The rest of the night was normal for Izuku as the young man had been keeping to himself as well as trained both himself and Elizabeta in his free time out of school. He was still studying since he was going to take the exams for Kuoh Academy within the next few weeks, so he wanted to be completely ready for the test. For the rest of the week Izuku and Elizabeta had stayed near one another in case another Bakugo situation happened again, and they were right that it was about to happen again since the young man had seemingly come over to Kuoh in search of him. He was searching each and every alleyway and back street for him as he and Elizabeta had moved about the crowds of Kuoh Town fast enough that the blonde bomber couldn't find them. Once the young man had lost his chance to find Izuku he left the area as he made himself seem scarce. Izuku and Elizabeta had left their hiding spot as they walked through the town, looking at everything and taking in the sights. Whilst they were having fun and moving towards every single thing about the small town, everything had to have a moment where some bastard had to try and ruin it for them. "Hey look who it is!" Someone called out, as Izuku and Elizabeta had turned around to find three boy's walking over towards them. "Yeah, I knew I'd seen your face around here at a couple points! What's going on Deku?" A boy asked, he had weird facial features. Another boy from Izuku's past that wouldn't just drop the childish nickname that Bakugo gave him when they were kids. "What are you doing here Nanashi?" Izuku questioned as the boy, Nanashi had stared at him confused. "What is Deku actually standing up for himself? When did you grow the balls you quirkless trash?" The boy growled out, as he pushed Izuku back. Izuku skidded a few feet back but was still standing as he glared at the three boys, he knew them all from childhood. The boy with black hair and angular features was Nanashi, his quirk allowed him to extend his fingers to which they could have pointed ends, the boy with brown hair had the ability to turn his body into a rocklike structure, and the last one was a new one from when he was in his last year of Aldera. He had a small frame, but that was to deceive you. Underneath that small frame was a boy who had seen better days, he would still have bruises from fights with high schoolers. His name was Takahashi Komoro, and his quirk allowed him to mind control anyone who looked into his eyes. Surprisingly Izuku was the only one who could ever look him in the eyes, and nothing ever happened, probably his Devil heritage protecting him from something like that. As the trio looked over at Elizabeta, they sneered at her before a perverted look came over them as they walked to her and Izuku blocked her from them. "Hey what are you doing Deku, you brought us this bitch for us to fuck? Is this Valentines Day?" One of the bullies called out, as Izuku literally growled at them. "If you want to beat me up, I am okay with that, but you are not touching her!" Izuku growled, as he subtly used his magic to create some vines around his bullies. "Well let's make sure that you are beaten before we take the bitch and have some fun!" Nanashi said, drooling somewhat. When he said that Elizabeta had covered her chest as she moved backwards growling at them like a dog would. And what happened took place so fast that the bullies didn't know what had happened. Izuku rushed them and punched the boy who could transform into a rocklike structure and seemingly knocked him out with the singular punch, then he switched over to the next one Nanashi, and kicked him in the groin before using his Magic to strip him of his clothes leaving him nude on the street, and as soon as he got to the last one, he had managed to use his magic to erase his memories of this event before grabbing Elizabeta and running. Needless to say, Elizabeta was blushing up a storm when Izuku had grabbed her hand and pulled her away from that situation with the most Heroic face she could see.

It was a few minutes later that the duo had found themselves in the park where Izuku had cried the other day and Izuku took in the smells as well as air. Both students were out of breath from running so much but it was worth it in order to escape before the police arrived on the scene. Izuku was about to have both himself and Elizabeta sit down on the park bench when he heard a familiar popping as well as smelt the familiar smell of burnt sugar. Pushing the girl out of the way he took the brunt of the explosion as he turned around to find Bakugo glaring at him with all the anger he could muster up. "I had been looking all over for you Deku, and I find you out on a date with this dog bitch!? What are you a furry now Deku!?" Bakugo growled out. Izuku did take notice that the young man was not alone this time, he had a boy who was wearing a UA uniform who had red hair that was spiked up, and another boy with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt in it. They were looking at one another as well as Izuku with confused faces, seems like they didn't know what was going on. "Bakugo, I thought I asked you to leave me alone! All I want is to live my life in peace, and I can't do that with you harassing me! What do you want from me!" Izuku yelled at Bakugo as the boy glared at Izuku. "I'm bringing you back to your real home! Back in Musutafu, where you and Auntie can be a family again!" Bakugo growled as he tried to grab Izuku. "I am not going back there. Living in the same home as the woman who kidnapped me as a baby! I am not living in a house that is harbored by a neglectful woman!" Izuku yelled as he actually got so angry at Bakugo that he punched the boy in the face so hard that the young man spat out a tooth and landed on the ground near the other two boys. The other two looked at Izuku and Bakugo and could see the clearly bad blood between the two as they grabbed Bakugo and kept him back from Izuku. Elizabeta had turned back to look at Izuku to see that his upper chest was revealed now since his shirt was exploded away from his body. And she froze upon what she saw on his upper torso, scars had been seen all over his upper chest in the forms of burn marks... especially one in the shape of a hand. Bakugo had gotten up from where he was sitting on the ground looking at his tooth on the ground, and as he looked over at Izuku he glared hard at him before taking notice of something on the boy's missing shirt. "Where the fuck did you get those scars?" Bakugo asked, confused. "They're all from you Bakugo. 10 long years of bullying all because I'm quirkless. 10. LONG. YEARS! 10 years of torment of pain, of mental anguish. All because you couldn't stand me not having a quirk and seemingly treating you as if you were beneath me all because I had wanted to help you out of a GOD DAMN CREEK!" Izuku yelled as when he said God's name in vain, he gained a small headache. Bakugo and the other two boys were staring at Izuku in shock, but Bakugo gained an angered expression as he growled at him. "So what are you going to tell the police about what I did? It's in the past!" Bakugo growled as Izuku stepped away from him. "If you do not leave me alone, I will not hesitate to get a restraining order on you Bakugo. I don't want to do it because of Auntie Mitsuki, but out of anyone who really knew me she was the only one who was really kind to me." Izuku said, as he turned around and helped up Elizabeta who was staring at Izuku's chest in both a blush as well as concern. "Well at least I didn't give up on a dream that we both made as children!" Bakugo yelled back at Izuku who stopped where he was and glared at the boy. "OF COURSE, I WOULD GIVE UP ON THAT DREAM, THE NUMBER 1 HERO TOLD ME HIMSELF THAT I WAS USELESS TO THE WORLD AS A QUIRKLESS HERO! NOT TO MENTION YOU TELLING ME EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT I WAS COMPLETELY USELESS! DON'T TRY AND GET ME TO BECOME A HERO WHEN YOU ALREADY WON! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Izuku screamed at the boy before pulling Elizabeta away from the area. As he left he never seen the look of despair on Bakugo's face as the boy who he had bullied was going to stop becoming the very thing he wished with him for 10 long years.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I wanted to bring an end to Izuku and the MHA side of the story between him and Bakugo. Especially since they had that fight in the canon events after All Might lost his ability to be a Hero after his fight with All for One. But don't worry I will make other Pro Heroes within the MHA world a part of his peerage, and he will probably get a small harem through that. But he will first bed Elizabeta because in this story she found him first in terms of women, anyway, get this story up to around 830 reads if you all want another chapter! See you all later!

2792 Words!

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