Green and Black Devil: 13

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Deku the Supernatural Hero! I hope you all have been waiting for this chapter to come out as I had been waiting to update it for the longest time now! I hope your weeks has been going swell so far and that you are all having a great day right now! Without further ado, let's begin the chapter!

Sirzechs was staring at the glowing beacon of energy flowing around where Izuku was last seen, the young man had willingly blown himself up in order to assist Issei. As soon as the glow started to dim itself as well as show who was remaining within the field, the Devil Faction Leader watched in surprise as Izuku was shown to be standing in the middle of a massive crater. His new form was showing that his hair was moving through the wind that was generated from the explosion that he released into the arena. His hair was now white in color, probably due to all the stress building up to this point, his irises were still emerald, green but had a slight slit to their nature as well as the fact that he gained a new pair of wings. Devil-like in nature, they added two new wings to his maximum amount of 6 and the young man was floating in front of Riser who was heavily damaged from the explosion of power. "So this is Izuku's true form when he uses his full power. I can't wait to see how much stronger he can get." Sirzechs mutters as Grayfia stared in awe. Rias on the other hand was watching in complete confusion as well as worry, Izuku had just literally blown himself up in order to land a hit on Riser without the risk of the man regenerating. But now that he was in what her brother commented as his true form, she was wondering if this more... aggressive form was going to be as aggressive as it looked in nature.

Down in the arena, Izuku stared at Riser as the man was watching the young man in awe. "H-How do you know how to activate a Devils' True Form!? T-That should be impossible unless you are a descendant of a True Pure-Blooded Devil!" Riser called out, a fearful undertone to his voice. "I don't know how I activated this, but if it will make sure that I can help save Rias from her marriage to you with Issei... then I won't be holding back." Izuku said, as he glared at Riser Issei standing next to him. The two launched at the man as he immediately pulled out two massive balls of Phoenix Fire in order to blast the two away. And as he launched the two balls of power at the two, Izuku pulled up a vine like armor around both himself and Issei as the armor took the brunt of the damage. Izuku flew through the ball of power and landed a powerful right hook onto Riser's face sending him rag dolling across the stage with Issei appearing behind the man sending him to the sky. Izuku pointed his left hand towards the rising Riser Phenix as he created what would be his largest Magic Circle yet in order to take down Riser. Issei had thought of the same idea as he was charging a powerful Dragon Shot as well as Riser created two very extremely large balls of Phoenix Fire in order to take them both down. "I will not stand for this! I will not be humiliated by a low-class wretch!" Riser screamed out, as he combined the powerful balls of Phoenix Fire into a massive ball altogether that he charged fully. Izuku appeared next to Issei as he increased the size of the Magic Circle as they charged their strongest attacks towards the Phoenix descendant. "Issei together now!" Izuku called out, as a beam of energy was forming in Izuku's Magic Circle. "Right!" Issei smiled back as they took aim at Riser. They both then reached the apex of their powers as Riser launched his Phoenix Beam of energy filled fire at them. "Take this and die! Phoenix's Destruction!" Riser screamed out as Izuku and Issei yelled out their own attack names.

[Dragon Shot!]

{Earthly Protection! Emeralds Blaster!}

As soon as the Dragon Shot and Emerald's Blaster combined into one beam of energy, it clashed with the Phoenix's Destruction. As a massive gust of wind clashed around the area within the arena, everyone watching from the sidelines were in awe of how much power the trio of Devil's and Devil Servant had combined. Both beams of energy struggled for supremacy as both sides fought to beat out the other, Issei was in his Balance Breaker form as he tried his best in order to keep up with Izuku. But soon after the boy had launched his most powerful Dragon Shot towards Riser, Issei felt all his power leave as he was forced to take a knee. 

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