Green and Black Devil: 6

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Deku the Supernatural Hero! I am so happy to see that you all are breaking through my goals for you and definitely going Plus Ultra! I hope that some of you move over to another story that is in the process of being made called Attack on Titan: Rise to Heroism. It really needs some love, and I am putting a lot of effort into making the story! Well that's all for now, let's begin the chapter!

Izuku stared at the small family as well as the smaller friend group of Issei as they stared at the boy with both confusion as well as slight concern. Izuku was shriveling up into a small ball onto the couch as he looked like he was being punished for something that he didn't do. As the family moved slightly closer to Izuku they watched as he continued to make himself smaller as they sat down in front of him. "Izuku you aren't in trouble, but can you tell us how you manifested this kind of power?" Miki Hyoudou asked, as Issei and his perverted friends looked at the boy with a sad smile of their own. "I-It's something... t-that I've had m-my entire life. I-I only found out ab-about my true Heritage a few weeks ago." Izuku mumbled as they looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean true heritage?" Gorou asked, softly as Izuku looked at them. "S-Someone came up t-to me because they c-could f-feel my magical presence. I-I can control magic as if I-it was nothing. I-I was training on h-how to use the power e-effectively. I-I didn't m-mean to not tell you all ab-about it, honest! I-I was g-going to tell y-you all about it w-when I ma-mastered it." Izuku said, as the entire room looked at him quietly. Izuku lowered his head after a few minutes as if he was waiting to be punished for this action of not informing them about this power he held. "I don't know about mom or dad, but having the ability to wield magic at your disposal makes you all the much cooler! I can't wait until I can use magic of my own if you can use it!" Issei said, as his friends looked at him weirdly. Miki and Gorou smiled at Izuku as they pulled him closer into a hug allowing the boy to relax in their hold. As soon as their impromptu celebration was put on hold, they sat with one another as they questioned who had told him about his heritage. "It was Grayfia-san, the Therapist you gave me. S-She is a d-devil like me." Izuku said, revealing his 4 pairs of wings. The family looked at it as Issei made sure to look at his 4 pairs closely. "So is the amount of power you can wield congruent with the number of wings you have?" Issei asked as Izuku nodded. "I have 6 wings in total meaning that in terms of raw power that I can use when I gain access to it, I will be capable of going up against those who are in the high tier of High-Class devils. The higher number of wings I have, the more power I hold within my body that just needs to be brought out." Izuku said, as he also informed them about the Evil Pieces, he would be receiving from Ajuka Beelzebub. "Wait, 6 wings? Dude, you have 8 wings as of right now!" Issei said, as Izuku looked confused before looking behind himself and noticing the extra two wings. "Huh? I didn't have that many last weeks. I must have increased my power output in the month or two that I had been training with Mrs. Sitri." Izuku mumbled as Miki noticed the name drop. "Sitri? Isn't she your Principal of Kuoh Middle School?" Miki asked, as Izuku nodded. "Turns out that she has a daughter inside of Kuoh Academy who is the Student Council Vice President. And since I will be heading to that school, Sitri informed her daughter that I am a Devil who will be living within her territory." Izuku informed as the family nodded along. They just dropped the subject since it was a lot of things to consider as they had been living with Devils in their city for the longest time without knowledge of it being seen.


The birthday that Izuku had after their conversation about the Supernatural was fun for Izuku, the young boy having the best day of his life since his fourth birthday. Izuku was now seen in his bedroom as he felt though the planet as he felt it smiling back at him through the wind as he felt himself connect with the planet on a smaller level. It was the next morning that Izuku was seen training his magic in the backyard of the home that Issei had actually wanted to see something from the boy. "Hey Izuku, do you think you can sense something inside of me?" Issei asked, as Izuku thought about it for a second moving away from a small stump. He stood next to Issei as he felt the magic around the boy as he felt a Draconic presence in him almost immediately as Izuku smiled at the boy. "I can sense a Draconic Aura around you, if you wish to show your power, then try and think about the strongest thing you can in your body and place all your mind and power into that limb." Izuku said, as Issei nodded. They sat there on the ground as Issei searched through himself before he seemed to find whatever Izuku was talking about and willing it to the surface. As soon as that happened, Izuku watched as a small red gauntlet appeared on Issei's hand as it was small with a red form and a large green gem hanging on the back of Issei's palm. "Hm, seems to still be dormant. We will need to make sure that you train yourself until you can transform it into what you wish for it to become. I don't know much about Sacred Gears, but you will become one of the strongest beings in existence if you continue to train yourself." Izuku said, as Issei became happier. "So I need to train my body and mind in order to get stronger? Just in order to get a new portion of my original power huh? Well let's do this!" Issei called out as he looked at Izuku as they started to train both their bodies and minds. Watching the boy's training in the backyard, Gorou decided to get them some training weights so that they could increase their gains faster. Izuku made sure to take Issei on runs together so that they could get stronger together, that way one doesn't get left behind. Over the next few months of training with the duo, they had gotten a few times stronger, and Izuku had gotten his Evil Pieces from Ajuka who had sent them to Sitri in Kuoh Middle School. He had gotten them as he was leaving the school after his finals were completed as he got a head pat for his troubles. He had even become very close friends with Elizabeta as the dog girl had happily stayed near him since he gave her his first Evil Piece to become one of his first members of his peerage. His perfect Rook. With that all settled, Izuku and Elizabeta had walked over to her house so that they could train together just so that they could make sure that she was caught up to speed on how to be a young Devil. And with Izuku still training himself on how to be a Devil, they didn't really do anything that was of the Devil standards. Just hanging out with random kids as well as adults who just wanted to spend time with children to remember the good times when they had their own. But as of right now, Izuku was sent over to Musutafu in order to get some supplies that Miki Hyoudou needed at the moment for a big dinner. His Entrance Exams for Kuoh Academy were coming up and she wanted him to have a lunch for when he went there in the next few weeks. And stocking up on enough food to make him a good lunch for him on that day would be perfect. He was walking through the city as he noticed that there was a fight happening nearby, and walking over to the person who was in the middle of the fight he soon found out who it was. Mirko the current Number 4 Heroine was fighting an extremely strong villain that Izuku immediately knew to be a Devil. A stray Devil in fact as he ran into the fray in order to keep the Heroine safe from any and all harm of the Stray. It was moving faster than the Heroine could predict as she was having an issue in keeping it still. By the time he had used his Earth Magic in order to hold the creature still it gave Mirko enough time to slam her boot into the beast's head and caused it to splatter on the ground before it started to disintegrate from existence. "You know kid, I could've handled that situation by myself, I didn't need your help!" The Heroine said, as Izuku eeped as he was found out immediately. As soon as the woman was upon him, she noticed that his Devil wings were out as she took notice of his features. "So you're a young Devil huh, what are you even doing here in Musutafu anyway?" She asked, as Izuku informed her of what his stepmother wanted him to do. Nodding along with what he stated, she noticed him pulling out a notebook that had seemingly seen better days as he flipped it over to her page. "C-Co-Could you sign this please?" Izuku asked, looking her in the eye. Mirko looked into his eyes as he was only showing pure honesty as well as not being malicious in any kind of way. As Mirko had been signing his paper, both were completely unaware of something coming down from above as it slammed Mirko into the ground as her body was impaled by a spear made of light. "GAARRG!" Mirko growled out as blood spat out of her mouth. "That is what happens when you align yourself with a Devil!" A villainous voice called out. Looking to the sky they both found a six-winged Fallen Angel as it floated there. Looking angrily at the Fallen Angel, Izuku sent wave after wave of rocks and Earthly vines after them, and the Fallen was moving as fast as possible in order to not be ensnared by the vines. But it wouldn't last long as Izuku managed to ensnare his left leg and yanked them down to his level before pulling a fist back and slamming a magic infused punch into their face breaking so many bones in their face that it had completely turned the opponent into a mass of feathers. "Didn't think that this was how I would go out!" Mirko called out, as she was now on her knees looking out into the distance. Her eyes were slowly becoming glazed as Izuku fumbled with his pocket as he pulled out a new Rook piece as he looked at Mirko. "H-Hey! S-Stay awake M-Mirko-san! I-If you can hear me t-twitch your left hand!" Izuku said, as the Heroine had started off into the distance as her left hand twitched slightly. "O-Okay, I have a way to save you... but it will also be turning you into a supernatural creature who has to be an... ally." Izuku said, as he grimaced as Mirko's eyes slowly returned from their distant stare. "What are you talking about?" She growled out, as she looked at the amount of blood on the ground. "I-I-I can save your life, but it will turn you into a reincarnated Devil. Y-You would technically be my servant, but you can do whatever you want. Any territory would be yours. J-Just please tell me if you want to live!" Izuku said, as he pulled out a Rook piece. "This better not be a prank, otherwise I will be kicking your ass!" She said, before passing out. As soon as he body hit the ground Izuku panicked as he placed the Rook Piece on her chest and said his incantation. "In the name of Izuku Halphas, I resurrect you from the dead Mirko! Live for me, and for yourself. Become the best Hero you can be without having to rely on others!" Izuku called out as the Evil Piece had started to glow before it entered the woman's body. But just as soon as it was entering her body, Izuku caught the glow brighten even more as the piece became a mutation piece in that moment to turn her. As soon as the glow died down, Izuku looked at his surroundings as he made sure that she was fine, looking for Mirko's Agency within Musutafu he found it soon after knocking on the door. "Mirko-san!? What in the world happened! Who are you brat!" The receptionist asked angrily. "I-I am just a bystander who found her bleeding out! I-I just managed to heal her enough to where she could survive, c-could you place her on something to rest!" Izuku asked, as the receptionist had nodded along. Her anger was now long gone as she went into caring for her boss as they placed her on a bed inside her main room. As soon as that happened the receptionist had tried to get him out of the place as Izuku told her that he needed to be nearby so that she wouldn't cause mayhem on accident because him healing her could have some unknown side effects. The receptionist had been very lenient by stating that she would be outside the room if he did anything wrong to her unconscious body and that she would know. Nodding quickly Izuku placed himself on the other side of the room from Mirko as the woman continued to snore softly. He had even sent a text to Miki as he informed her that he would be late because he had to save a Heroine from an early grave. Once he got the okay he sat there for a few hours before leaving the room to get some water to drink before returning back to the room. But as soon as he re-entered the room, he found Mirko already up and moving about as if nothing happened, and as soon as she found his presence in the room, she looked his way as she groaned out in exasperation. "So what happened earlier today didn't happen or did it happen?" Mirko asked, angrily as Izuku nodded his head. "I-I saved you from a quick death by giving you an Evil Piece. It allows me to revive those who are on the brink of death, or fully healthy, I would've asked you first, but the situation was dire since you were near death." Izuku said, as Mirko nodded. "Thank you squirt for saving me, although what piece did you give me? I don't remember which piece I got from you." Mirko said, scratching her head in confusion. "I gave you a Rook Piece, you are my second rook. Actually, you are a mutated rook piece, as you were simply powerful enough with your will to make it mutate in your resurrection." Izuku said, as Mirko nodded. "So is there anything else I should know?" Mirko asked, as Izuku thought about it. "Well you will have to come to this address in order to talk about Devil activities during the evenings. That way you know what to expect when I'm in school." Izuku said, as Mirko nodded along. "So what kind of powers does the Rook give me, especially a mutated rook. "So you know how you are already super strong?" Izuku asked, as Mirko nodded. "Y-You get m-more strength, as well as d-defense. I-In fact your strength probably either doubled or tripled because of the Mutated Rook you have in your body. So you might want to train yourself so that you don't accidentally kill a normal criminal with one of your kicks." Izuku said, as Mirko looked at him before nodding. "Alright, not that I can't trust you, you don't seem the type to lie to someone about these things. Am I allowed to inform people about what I am?" She asked, eating a carrot cake. "Yeah, I don't mind. Just make sure that they don't tell anyone else." Izuku said, as Mirko nodded. "Yeah, the Supernatural world becoming a part of the daily would be kind of chaotic since we don't have anything that would stop magic from being used. Anyway, get out of here squirt I got some training to do so I can find a good spot where I can use my strength." Mirko said, as Izuku scurried away. Watching him run down the street, Mirko smiled as she went to train her new body so she could start beating the crap out of villains some more.


Later that night Izuku found himself staring into the eyes of Mirko in his dreams as he thought about how he first met her. He was completely taken aback when the woman started to do things to him in this dream that he had never heard of before. But that is a story for another time. 

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did when making the story, and like I said at the start of the chapter please give Attack on Titan: Rise to Heroism a read please, I want it to be given some reads. Anyway, I'm getting distracted, get this story up to around 600 reads if you all want another chapter! See you all later and have a great week!

3020 Words!

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