School (with Mages)

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Chapter 3-

I reached school right on the bell. We had assembly first, so I waited for my friends to start heading down. Since Anjie was away that day, I was going to head down to assembly with Christina and her friends.

Tina had a pretty extensive group. There was Em, Hayley, Eloise, Kate, Lani, Amy, Carrie and so on. Em, Kate, Carrie and Hayley had been friends for ages, and Christina joined their group in about year 4. Lani joined the group in year 5, Elouise in year 6 and Amy in year 7. There was often at least one argument going on in the group, usually involving Lani. Thankfully, that day everyone was on civil terms. Lani, Hayley and Carrie were talking about a vampire show that had been on the last night. Em, Eloise and Kate were chatting about random things that no one else would understand, and Amy and Christina were racing down to the school hall. Since I'd missed the show because of my meeting with Anjie, and I had already ran nearly all the way to school, I joined in the chat with Em and the others. 'So..' I asked. 'What are you guys talking about?'.

'There's this book I saw in a store that looks really good!' explained Em. 'It's about this girl who has this prophecy about her, and now magical beings from the underworld are after her! It looks so good, but I'm out of pocket money and my parents think it looks violent and won't buy it for me.'.

'Well,' said Kate, 'I think it sounds awful. And can we please not talk about it?'.

'If it annoys Kate then it must be good!' Eloise pointed out. This is strictly true. All of Kate's least favorite books seem to be Eloise's and Christina's favorite. Coincidence? I think not. But what Em said surely couldn't be a coincidence. It was nearly exactly what I was going through. It was sooo not a good conversation to have wandered into. I started looking around for a good reason to leave the conversation. I locked eyes with a girl a few meters away. She was dressed in black, gothic sort of clothes, and had her red hair in waves down her back. The problem? That was what that weird girl Laura looked like. Normally. But while Laura had brown eyes, this person's eyes were a startling blue. Trust me, it looked creepier then it sounds. I did the first thing I could think of. I raced Christina and Amy down to the assembly hall.

The assembly, if anything, was the same as usual. Translated: It was as boring as usual. We heard some people talk about unimportant things, then had to sing/hear people sing depressing songs. And if you slouched or laughed during the wrong moment, then you were dead. You would be held back for ages, being lectured about everything you did wrong. And once that was over, you'd be chewed out by your teacher for being late for your lesson. Doesn't sound good, does it? Still, it was over soon. The moment it finished we (me, Christina and the rest of the group) all walked back together. Awwwwwwww...... So sweet! Still, I was scared. Very, very scared. Of Laura, mainly. And other things. (Cough cough AREX cough) Any way...... Moving on....... School was as boring as ever. And I mean that in the best way possible. So I won't go into the excruciatingly painful details. (Do I hear cheering?) I'll tell you what happened at break.

Once the bell went, I managed to split from the group (Christina, Em, Kate.... Oh, you get the idea) and went off to find Laura, and question her. Guess who just had the dumbest idea of the century? Sophia Dec'Arden, thats who. She was over, by herself, on the other side of school. Or at least, that's where she usually went.

'Great.' I mumbled. 'More running.'. So, I sprinted to the other side of the school to find. The problem was, she wasn't there. I ran all around the school. She wasn't there either. I asked some of her classmates. I got 10 none of your businesses, 4 silent treatments and 1 not at school today. That was from the teacher. The answers were unusual, though. I mean, there was a few people who didn't like me, but not that many. Was it some kind of spell that Laura put on them? Okay, now I'm beginning to get a tiny bit paranoid. Sooooo not a good thing. But if she wasn't here, then why did I see her at the Assembly? Thats when I saw something, right behind me, that did not seem to fit in with the surroundings. And when I looked at it closely, I was sure I had never seen it here before. Anywhere, for that manner. This, I knew instantly, had something to do with the mystery about Arex, Laura and any others, if there were any.

It was a perfect stone replica of Laura.

Ps: Sorry about the short chapters! I take ages to write! I'm beginning to wonder why I'm writing..........

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