Don't make me feel low.

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Nothing happened for the rest of the trip. I walked around, looking for signs of demon activity. Wrecked buildings, wrecked trash cans, wrecked wrecks..... The only life form I found was a cockroach, and it wasn't even alive. James had definitely rattled me.

Laura came back after about five minutes, with a frown on her face and a groan in her throat. 'Bad news. Sav sent us miles away from the mall where we're supposed to go. And that place is so popular, at least someone would spot two teleporting girls.'

Ok, that made sense for once. 'What about a taxi?'

She looked horrified. 'Have you ever even SEEN BBC Sherlock? Taxis are a bad idea.'

I wanted to say I had, but something told me she wasn't going to give up on this point. So Laura did the only logical thing.

'We're teleporting back to Saviours.'

Well, that trip was a waste of time.

When we got back, Savannah was laughing her head off. That may have been because she sent us to that alley on purpose, or maybe because I was covered in spider webs. Probably the latter.

'Why the HELL did you send us there?' Laura inquired. Actually, inquired's the wrong word. More like screamed.

Sav smiled. 'Why not? Sending the entire team seemed like overkill.'

Wait. How powerful was this demon then?

Laura sighed. 'I said I was taking on that demon. But no, everyone wanted the stupid glory, didn't they?'

'Glory?' I asked.

She sighed. 'There were rumors of a lead demon turning up. Infinitely more powerful, and therefore sought after.'

'Wait. You kill them for glory? I thought you did it to save people!' People like me, for example.

Savannah snorted. 'Some of us do. I do, Laura does and so does Timothy. Elliot's trying to get revenge on the demons for killing his family. Daniel and Kae are only here for glory. Arex, well, we're not sure. Could have something to do with his wings.'

Ah. I flashed back to when Tina was kidnapped by him. I thought he was a fallen angel. Looks like I was the only person to jump to that assumption. Probably because it was an insane one. Whatever. At least I had one, unlike everyone else.

Everyone else turned up, except for Arex. He, turns out, had not left the union for the entire day. He had been training. And I was about to find out why.                                                                                 'So,' Elliot said. 'The demon terrorising Adelaide is down for the count.  Thanks for that, Kae. Anyway, has anybody got new info that could be helpful about tracking down more? Footprints? Phonecalls? A shop advertising guns?'                                                                                                                            I shouldn't have said anything. Let me say that now. Because everything that destroyed this place came from what I said next. Everything that destroyed the people in front of me. 'I know where Carter is. He's at Low Bridge Farm.'                                                                    

Elliot nodded. 'We know. Laura did some scouting, found out where your sister was. We're sending a rescue party. Carter needs to be brought down, and we need to save as many people as possible. You and Arex are going after him.'

Ummm........ So not fair. Arex? Tina wouldn't trust him. She'd run. Still, just by looking at Elliot I could tell that it was either Arex or nobody. So I said 'Sure.' Then just stood there till Elliot called off the meeting, then went up to my room and turned up my music.

Don't let the world bring you down,

There's always hope the willing.

Don't let the world bring you down,

It's not over, you're not alone any more.

When it feels like it's all lost, and there's no guide that's left to prove it.                   

Take a look inside, cherish your life

And live before you lose it.

Brave words, OM&M. Unfortunately, it looked like someone was going to lose their life.

Me and Arex were ready to leave the next day. I was in complete terror, like a heightened version of taking on the final boss in a RPG. Arex looked bored.

Laura smiled at us. 'Ready to go?'

I wanted to say no, god no. I had joined the Saviours. Carter would be out for my blood now. But Tina needed saving. So I said yes, and jumped through the portal. And I would like to say I wasn't to blame for what happened next, but I was. So, sorry if you thought I was perfect. I'm not. I'm to blame for her dying.

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