Christina ruins my secret in five...four..

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I sat down next to Christina (who was, by the way, still unconscious) and picked up the home phone.

'Sophia! Good to hear from you!' Laura said from the end of the line.

'How, exactly, did you know it was me? Is you social life THAT non-existent?' I asked. Because, really, it was a genuine question.

'Nah. I installed caller ID. So, why do you need me?' She asked.

'Arex kidnapped Christina.'.

'What?! I'll send someone to help her at once! Don't worry.'.

'No worry. We rescued her.'.

'We? Who, exactly, is we?'.

I was dead meat. 'Er, well, there was someone there who helped me, then disappeared.'.

'What was his name? Only I've had reports of a dangerous mage around here.'.

Bad, bad, bad. 'There was a guy called Archer. And someone else called Pitch. He disappeared pretty fast though.'. What? Lying is useful.

'PITCH ARROWS!!! Red alert. Red alert.'.

'Who is he?'. Hey! Different viewpoints are good, right?

'He's, more or less, a serial killer. I don't know how, or when, but he learnt black magic, and got corrupted by it. He became one of the most powerful mages in the world. Then he disappeared, presumed dead. Then he turned up again, and infiltrated a mage sanctuary. They got him out, but he's still, sadly, alive. Now he's just a public menace.'.

Wow. Veeeery different viewpoints. 'Oh. Well, can you come over to talk about it? Only I stopped trusting telephones halfway through that story.'.

'Okay. But I'm walking. I'm exhausted, and teleporting seriously takes it out of you.'.

Then the phone cut off.

'What was that all about?' asked Christina, awake and holding the phone cord.

Bad. Bad. Bad. This was very bad. I was mentally pacing the house, trying to come up with an excuse.

'I've joined a cosplay group.' I lied.

'That's a lie, and you know it is. Please. I know if you're lying.'.

'Would you believe a role play club?'.

'No way, Smart.'.

Might as well tell her. She wouldn't believe me. 'I'm being stalked by demons, and have to learn magic to protect myself.' I said.

'Really? O.M.G! That's soooo cool!'. What the?

'Wait. You believe me?'. >>shocked face<<

'Well duh. I know when you're telling the truth. It's either the truth or Prank Patrol, which is even more unlikely.'.

The doorbell rang. I pushed Christina to the other end of the room. 'You can't tell her you know. Laura would kill me!'.

'Why?' Tina asked.

Then Laura walked in and started staring at us. Christina waved. 'Hi! Laura, right?'.

'Er... Yeah.' Laura said, then turned to me. 'How does Christina know me?'.

'Excuse me? I just got kidnapped, and NO ONE is asking me how I feel about all this? Does learning magic turn you into a psychopath or something?' Christina asked.

'Sometimes. Barely ever.' Laura answered.

'You really don't get sarcasm, do you?' she replied.

It was like watching two atomic bombs. I really didn't want to set one off. 'Right.' I said. 'How about we just explain everything, as shortly as possible, to Tina.'.

'Fine.' They both said, defeatedly.

Laura started. 'There's demons chasing after your sister. You're safe, though. Apart from being a hostage.'. Lies, I tell you. All lies!

'Oh. So, where are the angels? We're fighting demons, so surely there must be angels in here somewhere.' Tina questioned.

'Well, it's a bit confusing...' she replied.

'Are they all dead?!?!?' I asked, shocked. They both stared at me.

'Er, no.' Laura answered, still looking at me as if I caught a disease. 'The demons we're facing aren't exactly the demons you've heard about. They're just monsters that we call demons because of what they're like. And they don't seem to mind.'.

'Why would they?' I asked. 'I mean, they seem even more evil. They actually look human.'.

'Some of them do.' Laura corrected. 'Most of them don't. But loads of them possess people.'.

'Right. Creep me out more, why don't you?' Christina asked.

Then the doorbell rang.

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