Day 23: Last Mintue Christmas Shopping 🛍️🛒

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Summary: The holiday shopping rush has begun and Clotted Cream Cookie has just realized that he has forgotten to get Financier a gift. Now he must find the perfect gift for her.

One week before christmas and the shopping rush has begun in the Cremé Republic. Cookies coming in and out shops and bags filled with all sorts of goods and treasures. There were also cookies coming from different parts of the world to meet and reunite with friends and family, but that's not the point. Yes, dowtown of the republic is turly busy right now.

The consul of the republic had just finished all his work for the day and as he was walked out the door, he can tell that the shops were busy...very busy. At least he got most of the shopping done and gotten all the elders and even his mother, Light Cream Cookie...or at least he thought he gotten everyone. He felt like he had forgotten about someone, but who could it be? After a monet or two, he realized that he didn't get a gift for Financier Cookie. How did he forget is beyond him. That was one problem but there was a bigger problem which is that he has no clue what to get her. Clotted Cream needed some advice and he knew who too ask.

"Mother I need your advice." Clotted Cream said to his his mother, Light Cream Cookie.

"Of course my son, what seems to be the problem?" Light cream wondered.

"Oh no there's no problem at all. Its just can I say this? I just realized that didn't get my assistant Financier Cookie anything at all. I don't even know what to get her or what she likes. What could you give to someone that you have no idea what she likes?"

It took a while for Light Cream to think and come up with a response to that. "Well I don't know the cookie well, but I'm sure that whatever you come up with she will love. It's the thought that counts. I would say go too the shops and see what catches your eye, but its quite busy out there." Light Cream replied. The consul thanked his mother for the advice and headed back out to the shops hoping to find something because that was a risk he was willing to take. He should definitely have them meet one day.

After about an hour of looking through all of downtown, Clotted have found nothing absolutely nothing other than some fancy chocolates and went home in shame. If he hadn't been working very long hours and coming home exhausted, he would've find time to look for a gift sooner. If only there was some sort of sign that could fix that. That was when he remembered that he copies of photos that they have taken during their travels. (Referring to master mode of world exploration if you played that mode) Financier had always wanted to see the world outside of the Cremé Republic, that was her wish and it came true. "A scrapbook with the photos of our travels. That would be perfect for Financier Cookie. That way, she has something to remember them." Clotted said to himself. He and Light Cream would both help with putting it together, but not without him talking about Financier and what shes like of course.

See you all on day 24 bye!!!!👋😊😁😊

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