15. Baby Twins

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Sirius and Remus were once again standing in their living room, bracing for the worse. This time, Tonks was there to make sure nothing went wrong and she had brought along her friend Charlie Weasley.

"Okay, and if something goes wrong we'll send you both to St. Mungos straight away," Tonks promised as she sat on the couch. The two best friends waited in anticipation for what was about to happen. It was intriguing and concerning, but they knew they had to.

"Ready?" Remus asked, looking at his boyfriend in concern.

"Are you?" Sirius smirked and the werewolf shook his head with a laugh, pointing his wand at his boyfriend.

"Leglimens." Once again, they were no longer in their living room, they were at what looked like a camp. Kids were running around with weapons in their hands and orange shirts. IT wasn't a normal summer camp, there were these huge coluseum looking buildings where kids were running in and out. Both men looked around before spotting Natalia and Nico who were being led by Leanne.

"So this is the Hermes' cabin," Leanne said, smiling as she entered the cabin. She was different from most of the kids they had seen. Her hair was black with some purple streaks and her eyes were blue with a violet hue around them.

The cabin was filled to the brim with campers. A lot of hte beds had names above them and the two black haired children looked at them in wonder, "Most of the time, the beds are reserved for the actual kids that were claimed. It's their seniority, first it goes to Hermes kids, then claimed kids, then by amount of time the kids had been there. Usually, year rounders get first dibs."

"This is so cool," the girl next to her said in awe. She looked down to the cards in her hand and looked so excited she would start bouncing off the walls.

"Connor!" Leanne yelled and the prankster ran to her.

"Yep," he said with a mischievous smile.

"We've got two new campers," she told him with a grin and his smile faltered a little.

"Claimed?" She sadly shook her head and he sighed a little looking around the cabin. Before back at her. "You're small, could you share with–" he stopped, looking at the black haired girl for her name.

"I'm Natalia di Angelo," she introduced.

"And I'm Nico!" Her brother said next to her.

"Okay, can you share with Natalia and I'll find a place for Nico," Connor suggested. Leanne nodded.

"Could we be close to each other?" Nico asked the older boy.

"You're in luck, Lenny here has a spot next to her bed open," Connor said, ruffling her hair. He led the three to her bed. "I'll get a sleeping bag and some basics." He walked away leaving the three there.

"Why do you get a bed?" Nico asked her, looking at the masking tap with her name on it.

"And why are there so many kids in here?" Natalia asked, looking around at all the beds and sleeping bags thrown about.

"Well, Hermes is the god of travelers so he takes any camper who isn't claimed or who is but doesn't have a cabin of their own so it gets pretty crowded. I've been here since I was 3 so it's been about 4 years since I'm 11," she explained. "The bed next to me is Jace's. He's been here for two years, but was claimed, he's a son of Hypnos, he just doesn't have his own cabin."

"So you've been here 4 years and you don't know who your godly parent is?" Natalia asked and Leanne nodded. "Well that's not fair, what if you never get claimed?"

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