Chapter 26

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I struggled to breathe as the steam from the shower engulfed me. I washed my hair, and body making sure to use the expensive body wash that smelled extra good. Deep down I was hoping Dave would get close enough to take notice.

With both of my parents at work I was left to the emptiness of my home.

I made sure to lock all the doors, and windows. Despite this, anxiety was beginning to get the best of me. I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. I listened impatiently to the squeak of the knob, before grabbing a fluffy white towel, and wrapping myself in it.

After deciding to wear something casual, I picked out black leggings and a soft yellow t-shirt. I glanced myself over in the mirror feeling rather content. It was almost perfect. Almost, if not for the lump on my head. It had sank into a darker purple. I decided to leave it as is because I didn't want to hurt myself further.

Glancing at the clock I noticed it was only 2:30. Damn, I thought. The fact that I was already ready to leave, left my tired body antsy. I lied down on my bed face up towards the ceiling.

The walls were cold and lifeless. The air seemed to thicken, stealing my breath away. This house was beginning to suffocate me.

I was beginning to feel as if Dave brought a whole new warmth. One that I couldn't replicate on my own. My house once my safe haven, now felt as if it was just a pile of wood and insulation.

I couldn't take much more.

I grabbed my bag, keys, and a water bottle. Sitting outside Dave's house sounded much more appealing than staying at mine. I hurriedly wrapped myself in a light jacket, and headed towards my car. I needed Dave.

I felt my body relax as soon I started down the road. My knuckles, white with anxiety, relaxed into a more suitable pink color. I let out a breath, the first breath I'd taken in what felt like hours.

To my dismay, waiting outside Dave's house was more tedious than I thought. However, with newfound breath in my lungs I knew this was better than waiting at mine. I tried to keep busy scrolling through social media. I sprinkled the atmosphere with giggles here and there at funny videos.

That all changed when I turned my car off.

Every crunch of the falls leaves made me paranoid. Squirrels, I thought sourly. As cute as they were they were sending shivers down my spine. Sighing aloud, I glanced back at my phone receiving a text from an unknown number.

"Did he hurt you?" It read.

I glanced around frantically taking in nothing but squirrels, and forest. Dave's brilliant home stood untouched. His house sat peacefully in the isolation of the forest. The white exterior looked unusually delicate, my eyes scanned for signs of intrusion only to find nothing.

I fought with myself whether or not I should feed into this. Deep down I knew it was Damien.

"Who is this?" I responded.

My phone dinged immediately. "I saw the blood. Did he hurt you, Lila?"

I looked around once more, the uneasiness was turning into nausea.

The trees stood tall, and bare with the chill of winter looming in the air. The leaves lay flat, dancing every now and then as mother nature's wind scooped them up. The squirrels, however, jumped up and down throughout the leaves. Their fat bellies apparent as they prepared for the upcoming colder days.

Just as I was beginning to smile at them, it was quickly extinguished as movement caught my eye. Along the tree line, it looked as if a black figure was looming behind a thicker tree. I blinked quickly as if my eyes were deceiving me.

I turned my eyes back to the screen. "Did who hurt me?" My heart began to pound defiantly, my hands were beginning to tremor.

I glanced at my phone then back at the window only to see a face appear. A scream ripped itself from my throat. Before looking again, I quickly pushed the button to lock the doors, and slammed the gear shift into reverse. I was getting the hell out of there.

Just as I was about to slam on the gas another knock stole my attention. I was expecting to see some hooded figure ready to whisk me away into the depths of the woods.

However as I stared back into this persons face I couldn't have been more relieved. It was Dave.

His sheepish grin caught me off guard. Breathing a sigh of relief I clutched my chest. Thank God, I thought chuckling at my paranoia.

Dave pointed at the lock and mouthed, "Open the door." I obliged excitedly. I had been waiting for him for what felt like forever.

He opened the door for me still smiling. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I mumbled an it's okay, and threw my arms around him. As I held him close, I breathed deeply savoring his cologne. It was intoxicating.

"You smell really good." My words were muffled as I talked to his chest.

He kissed my forehead sweetly, then took my soft face into his rough hands. His brow furrowed as he looked my bruise. He huffed in annoyance through his nostrils. "That boy needs to watch where he's going."

The soft crumble of leaves stole my attention. I couldn't help, but peek past him.

Dave noticed this. He turned around as well. "What is it?" His eyes darkened into something much more serious.

"I thought I saw something in the woods just before you got here. My paranoia must've got the best of me."

"Maybe," He took a moment to deliberate internally. ",but just in case it wasn't paranoia let's get in the house and lock the doors." I nodded grabbing my water bottle and bag.

With his hand placed on my lower back, he lead me into his home.

"How is your head?" I listened to the locking of the door knob and the dead bolt.

"It hurts but I think I'll be okay." I set my stuff down on the couch and turned to him.

"Dave." I called out softly. "I found out some stuff about Lucas."

He turned, concern sketched over his handsome face.

"He's apart of the gang. Max and Lucas had to prove themselves to become one of them. That's why Lucas wanted me at the party. Max backed out when he realized someone was going to get hurt, but Lucas.." I trailed off unable to say the rest.

Shaking my head, I fought back the tears stinging my eyes. It hurt to know that someone I'd considered my friend for so long, chose such a violent path. Dave stepped forward, wrapping me in a consoling embrace.

"It's okay." He hushed my tears.

"Lila, you know what this means though, don't you?" I looked up at him, feeling a little confused. "Lucas can't be your friend anymore."

Dave took a breath deliberating on whether or not he should continue. "He's Damien's toy now."

Chapter 26! Vote and comment! 12/23/23

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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