Part 2| Run little child

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Note| this is my second book ever, remember to vote, and comment. Follow for updates in will most likely update like very day maybe the chapters wont be long. If you have a special request for a book series or a one shot just let me know and I'll get to it when I do|~

"Get out of my face I dont care what you want or you think you need" my parents yelled slightly in my face.

"Im... I'm just hungry" fuck. You were starving, i hadn't eaten in 2 days.

"We have bread, we have butter gonmkae fucking toast or is that to fucking hard for your little pea brain?" My father spoke towards me in a manner like that for the fifth time tonight, I wish I could punch him.

"Momma...will you make him stop?" I'm just 5! Why is he so mean!? I didn't do anything..did I? Or was I just stupid? Was I annoying....maybe I should just stop talking.

"Honey just go make toast and go to sleep. We have work tomorrow and we cant stay up all night watching you"

I was right. It is my fault, as I got up and walked over to the bread box my arm got scratched on the corner of the island. Damn it hurt...

But if I was such a bad person...I deserved pain..didnt I? Maybe that's why daddy was always so mean and hurtful cause I'm a bad person, so I'm punished for it.

That must be it......

Thinking back to that day was horrid. But it's all I ever thought about. I mean, hell it's the day I started cutting myself.

Fuck I was just 5....I didnt really deserve it....did I?

Well I'm 18 now, I still cut but I'm maybe a little better? Atleast I'm not there anymore. Fuck I was terrified they would find me,

From my past, I know a leather wip dosent feel very good. At all but you would assume that right?

Fuck, I was daydreaming I should be worried about where I'm gonna go...I had no ideas I mean I didn't have a phone so I couldnt look at anything to help...

I just fucking hopped out of my fucking window with a book bag and a backpack. Yeah that's all my belongings in two small ass bags.

I dont what that says about me, but I know it tells more than people need to know about me...

"Would you scoot please?" A woman tall, white hair, old, beautiful gown on. Fuck I was in her way.

"Oh! I'm so sorry ma'am! I zoned out! Forgive me..please?"

Fuck I'm gonna feel like shit if she dosent seem happy with me...

"No it's fine I just asked to 6 times. But i understand" 6 times?

"Oh! I'm so so sorry!" I'll move now!" Fuck was I apologizing to much? Do I need to stop?

"No its okay! I promise your fine sweetie! You're very pretty though!" No no no she must be lying.

"Really? Thank you! I was never told that very much growing up! Thank you! It means alot" it was true. I was called ugly if anything.

"Sweetie...what are all these bruises on your arm? And these cuts? Did someone hurt you?" No lady those are self afflicted. But I cnat say that.

"Oh no! Thanks for the concern though! I'm just clumsy and I scratch myself and bump into everything leaving bruises! I'm fine though!" Fuck. I just realized, every time in my entire life that I've ever said "I'm fine" it was a lie.

And that says my whole life in six words.

"Well you need to be more careful little girl" she was so nice! Ugh I've never met an old lady this cute and nice!

~- after leaving the train -~

"Thank you sir" I said to the train conductor man, he was sweet.
Well everyone seemed sweeter than my parents. But you know. Theres reasoning for that.

I'm just walking around the train station trying to ask people for directions to the nearest cafè, I've always dreamed of going to one. It was like the utmost special treatment in the household.

"Hey ma'am! Do you know where the nearest cafè is?" God i hope she knows.

"Yes it's just over there!" She pointed over to a beautiful pastel blue establishment on the corner of the road.

"Thank you ma'am!" Let's go! I need to get there!

I need to.

~- at the cafè -~

I entered the beautiful establishment and my nose was filled with smells of pastries and breads, cakes and ice cream. So many things the I had never smelled until now!

I looked at the food covered in the shiny reflective glass containers.

I was just looking around and I saw a beautiful blonde boy....

With piercing blue eyes....

Well....I started another book💀👍

Hope yall enjoy this one! Read the top notes and please vote and comment! Follow for updates! I'm trying to make this one ALOT more slow burn than the other so dont expect any smut soon lols if you have any book series ideas/oneshots just comment and let me know! As always hope you enjoy!Vote, comment, follow for updates and I'll see you on the next chapter! Buh bye😊❤

~𝕀𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘~  S. G 𓃗Where stories live. Discover now