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You start callin'; you start crying
I come over; I'm inside you
Heartbeat - childish gambino

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* Toms POV *

Me and Johnnie opened the car doors at the same time as we both sunk into the seats before shutting them behind us. I was in the passenger and he was in the driving seat cause i had, had to many beers. He started the car and we drove off to the mall. He said that I needed to get out my 'depression clothes'. I wasn't even depressed

We pulled up to the mall and Johnnie parked in a space right near the entrance which was a big help. I opened the car door and climbed out. Johnnie walked round to my side and we walked into the mall.

"Oh look a hot topic" Johnnie said as he headed towards the store.

I dragged my feet along behind him sulking as he walked into the shop and immediately started looking at the sizes on tops. I just stood next to him watching as he pulled one up in front of him and looked down at it.

"Think this is good" he said

I stared at it for a bit taking it all in. It was a black led zeppelin one and it was pretty simple. I nodded and he smiled as he took it in his other hand and looked for more. I decided to look at a few cause I was kind of bored and i saw one that I liked. I flicked through a few and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a teenage girl with her phone in front of her. She looked kind of nervous and I could tell straight away it was a fan so I put on a smiley face and try to not act like I was on drugs rn.

"Hey im serena, I'm such a big fan I literally watch u everyday" the girl said and I nodded smiling

"Omg thanks sm" I replied and she lifted up her phone

"Could I maybe get a photo" she asked

"Sure of course" I said and she turned as she held up her phone and I smiled at the camera as she clicked the button.

"Could I get a photo with you Johnnie as well, I'm a big fan"

"This is like the first time anyone has asked me, uh sure" he replied and we all laughed.

They took a quick photo before she hugged us both and waved as she walked off. I did the same and turned back to the t shirts looking for my size in one.

Once we had finished we payed and got a drink from Starbucks and then heading back to the car.

"Did you enjoy today" Johnnie asked

"Eh, yh it was all right I just wanted a beer"

"Yeah I get that, we need to keep doing stuff like this so you eventually enjoy going out"

"That's fine just bring some beers when we do"

"Fine I was gonna try make u quit but to be honest I don't think it will work" he replied and I chuckled.


It was currently half 7 at night and Johnnie had decided to go home and sleep at his for the night. I was laying on my stomach in my room watching a show on my phone. I had watched it when I was young but I decided to rewatch it cause it was really good.

I began rolling in my bed as it changed scenes struggling to concentrate. I was a bit hungry so I paused the shoe and slid off my bed walking downstairs to the kitchen. Before Johnnie left and hour ago he made some pasta for us and it was really good. I didn't have to help him tonight.

Heartbeat || Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now