• heartbeat •

137 3 2

are we dating? are we fuckin'?
are we best friends? are somethin' in between that?
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino

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I woke to the sun beams gleaming through my window shining down onto me and Liv. I rubbed my eyes slightly as I yawned and then placed them onto my bare chest as I stared at the ceiling. I began to think about everything from last night and how great it was. It released a lot of stress from me. I felt at peace again.

I started to recap on the night starting when I was fighting Tom down the stairs and then I stabbed him with a- SHIT I forgot about that. Now all the stress was coming back fuck. What do I do? The police are obviously going to find out. I can't tell Liv yet, I'll ruin what we have just made again. I'm just gonna have to act like nothings happened.

I turned to Liv and saw laying on her side facing away from me. The duvet was wrapped around her body just covering her tits and the sun shines onto her back making it look golden. She looked so peaceful and that calmed me down way more. She stirred a little as I kept my eyes on her.

Suddenly she turned her body and faced me with her eyes wide awake. I looked down at her and she grinned up at me. I placed a hand on her arm as I turned towards her and we both looked directly into each others eyes. The silence becoming tense.

"Morning" she said

"Morning love, are you alright" she nodded and I smiled as she dug her head into me.


I was downstairs making breakfast waiting for Liv to wake up as she had fallen back asleep in my arms. I fried 6 eggs, knowing Johnnie was coming over, put 3 bagels in the toaster and cooked some bacon.

I heard the front door open and shut and I smiled turning around seeing Johnnie walk into the living room. He looked at me and walked into the kitchen sniffing the air.

"Smells good what you making" he asked as he leaned against the counter.

"Eggs bacon and bagels" I grinned and he looked at me proud.

"You never cook this is good"

"Exactly so don't complain if everything burns and taste like horse shit" I replied pointing my spatula at him and he began to laugh.

"Six eggs is a lot don't you think" Johnnie asked as I gave him and awkward smile. "No" I just turned back to cooking "Jake no why would you have sex with her again?" He whisper shouted

"Right Johnnie you can't tell anyone and I mean anyone" he rolled his eyes nodding "Liv called me last night saying that Tom was abusing her cause he found out about us and I went over and um...killed him, BY ACCIDENT" I whispered back and his mouth flew open

"WHAT THE FUCK U MEAN BY ACCIDENT?" he whispered back

"We fought and I just got to angry man, I couldn't help myself" he sighed "but Liv doesn't know yet so don't tell her, I will tell her when I'm ready" I responded

"Fine, I'm still really shocked" he replied

Suddenly Liv came walking into the kitchen and gave Johnnie a hug before wrapping her arms round my waist and resting her head under my armpit. She took a glance at the food in the pan and smiled.

"That looks so good, I can't wait"

"It's ready now anyway" I said as she grabbed a plate and I put a bagel on her plate along with same eggs and bacon then did the same to Johnnie

She walked into the dining room and took a seat on a chair closest to the window. Johnnie sat next to her and I grabbed my plate sitting on the other side. We began to eat and talk about everything we ill do together today but Johnnie kept sending death glares to me.

Heartbeat || Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now