• love a girl right •

157 1 4

I miss the sex where u kiss whenever your through
sixty nine is the only dinner for two
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino

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I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing loudly, the noise ringing through my whole room. It echoed and I grunted as I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to the other side of the bed. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 2:43 in the morning. I rolled my eyes as I picked my phone of charge and the light blinded my eyes making me squint them.

'Olivia Smith'

My mouth opened a little in shock. My eyes grew wide as I pressed the answer button on my screen. I brushed my hands through my hair as I held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked and a panicked voice replied

"Jake? Jake? Can you hear me" she asked

"Yeha what's up? Are you okay? What's happened?" I said worried as I sat up a little in my bed.

"He found out"

My heart dropped panicked. I knew exactly what she was on about and I shook my head worried. My heart began beating through my chest. I've ruined her relationship. I should have not gone round her house that night. I hope she's okay.

"Are you okay"

"No Jake no, he's gone mad I didn't know he would find out I'm scared, please Jake please" she whispered and a cry broke her voice.

"Okay I'm on my way, where are you? Make sure your safe" I said as I got off my bed and ran down the stairs in my pyjamas.

"I'm in the closet, just please get here fas..." she went silent

"Liv are you there Liv" I asked concerned

"He's in the room" she whimpered and I unlocked the car throwing myself into the drivers seat

"I'm in the car now" I said as she hung up.

I raced down the street dodging each car parked on the sides and took each turn without looking. High chance of me dying here but I needed to get to her and help her.

I burst through the front door and grabbed a broken plank off wood I found on the stairs. I ran up them and straight to her bedroom. I was wasting no time she was in trouble. I kicked the door and it opened and I ran in looking around to see her on the floor curled in a ball and Tom towering over her kicking her in the face.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER" I yelled as I walked closer and he turned around a smirk on his face.

"And what are you going to do" he asked as he stepped closer to me.

I lifted up the plank above my head and hit him across the head making him collapse and fall to the floor. I grabbed livs wrist and dragged her but she didn't get up. I looked at her confused as I got down on my knees and began shaking her coming to the realisation she had passed out. I tucked my arm round her waist but I felt a foot kick against my back.

I dropped her back down and turned around punching him across the face. He grabbed my t shirt chucking me across the room but I pounced back at him pushing him down so he was bent over I then kicked him in the stomach then once again round the face. He grabbed my shoulders and we began pushing each other along the hallway. He kneed me in the balls making me bend over a little then he kicked me in the stomach.

I turned him and pushed him down the stairs but he pulled we down with him and we went tumbling to the floor. Tom hit his head against the wooden floorboards but before i could hit him anymore he rolled us around until we smashed into a mirror making it fall in top of us and glass go everywhere.

He rolled me over and I felt a glass shard stab me in the back. I groaned and he laughed as I reached for another glass hard stabbing him in his chest. He did the same as I did which made him weaker and I was able to roll him onto his back and when he did it let all the anger inside me overflow out and I began to stab him. Blood shot out and made a large pool around him as I watched his face become more stiff and still.

I got up and towered over this dead body panting loudly as I fixed my t shirt. I drowned the bloody glass and ran upstairs into Livs room where she still
laid unconscious. I grunted a tear roll down my cheek hoping she would wake up soon as I picked her up bridal style and down the stairs out the back door and round the house to the front so no one would see the bloody body when we went through the front door.

I placed her carefully in the passenger seat as I got in the drivers and zoomed down the road with music as loud as I could. I was stressed, my heart was pounding I had just killed someone. I scrunched my hair up in my hand and then furiously hit the steering wheel making the car beep.


Heartbeat || Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now