• bathroom •

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I come around when you least expect me
I'm sitting at the bar when your glass is empty
You thinkin that this song is coming on to tempt me
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino

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Me and Johnnie had just been talking, making cooking videos and watching tv for ages until we finally decided to go a gas station and get some snacks. We were both really hungry and had eaten all the snack in the cupboard so Johnnie picked up the keys of the side and we made our way outside to his car.

I opened the passenger door and plopped down onto the seat as Johnnie stuck the keys in the ignition and began to drive out the spot he had parked in.

We were around 10 minutes away and Johnnie put on some music on in the background to get rid of the silence that was lingering.

I watched out the window as we turned a few corners and stopped at a few traffic lights. My mind was scrambled, I was just thinking about Liv and wondering if maybe she wanted to try again. The sex was fucking amazing and probably the best sex I had, had in a long time.

The only problem was how different Olivia was acting, I was just hoping she hadn't fully changed since being with him. It seemed like it anyway. I still loved her either way but I was just worried something bad is happening and she's not telling me.

We pulled up to the gas station and Johnnie parked the car at a pump. Nobody else was here and we were like in the middle of nowhere. I got out the car along with Johnnie and I walked round the front of the car so me and him were stood next to each other.

"Might as well fill up the tank whilst I'm here" he stated

"Okay imma just go inside now" I yelled as I walked to the store door

"Okay I also need to piss so I'll be in in like 5-10 mins" he shouted

"10?" I questioned

"What if I need a shit" he said and I began o laugh as I opened the store door hearing the bell ring.

The store owner gave me a head nod and I did one back as I walked down the isles to the back where all the drinks were at. I turned the corner to make my way to the energy drinks when I saw Olivia standing in front of the sofa fridge scanning the shelves.

I'm guessing she heard my walking or something cause she turned around and motioned me over to her. I stood next to her and she looked back up at the soda.

"Can u get me that Pepsi please" she said pointing to a drink on a high shelve.

I chuckled a little as I opened the door and reached up grabbing the drink from the top shelve and handing it back down to her.

"Thanks Jake" she responded as I smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I leaned against the fridge door.

"Run out of snacks" she replied "what about you?"

"Literally the exact same, johnnies outside just filling up the car" I said and she looked down an aisle looking for Johnnie.

"Stop I miss that kid" she said as she looked back at me.

I grinned at her and my eyes guided to her lips they were plump and slightly parted making me want to just grab her face and kiss her so bad. I gazed back up at her eyes and saw them staring at my lips I smirked as she sighed snapping out of her gaze.

"Follow me to the toilets" she said as she began to walk away.

I looked around the shop to see if anyone was watching and no one was so I put my hands in her pockets and began to follow Liv into the female bathrooms.

*Olivia POV*

I walked into a stool and as I turned around I watched Jake stroll in smiling straight at me as he shut the door behind him with his foot and grabbed my waist pulling me closer.

I looked up at him as he watched down and I wrapped my arms round his neck as I reached up to his lips connecting them.

I sunk into his making my muscles and body weak. I was addicted to his taste it was to good and I craved more. I grabbed his jaw and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. He lifted me up with one hand and I wrapped my legs round his waist as he placed me down onto the toilet.

Jake bit my lip allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth. I frowned as he got onto his knees in front of me and made sure he was pleasuring me still. He began to kiss down my neck and leave a few marks along my jaw and side of my neck. He stopped and grab the waist band of my joggers.

"We have like 7 minutes until johnnies back" I explained

"Okay quick" I replied.

He quickly slipped my joggers off followed by my thong and letting them rest at my ankles. He looked up at me to make sure I was okay and I nodded.

He slammed his tongue into my pussy making a loud moan leave my lips. I grabbed onto the stool walls and leaned my head against the brick wall behind me. My head was tilted back and I was breathing heavily trying my hardest not to moan to loud.

I felt Jake's hot wet tongue swish around and lick up my walls which made me arch my back and groan a little. He felt to good I couldn't.

Yeah tom was alright and yeah he makes me breakfast but that's it's literally. he gets angry at me easily, he shouts, he doesn't give me an attention and he doesn't have a big dick, I mean yeha he does but it's nothing compared to Jake.

Suddenly we heard banging at the door and Jake carried on as I looked down at him worried but still trying to hide my moans.

"Come out, both of you, I could hear you guys" the store guy said.

Jake finally finished and looked up at me and I frowned at him. He stood up and brushed off his knees as I pulled up my thong and joggers.

"Right I haven't told Johnnie about what happened yet so when we go out their try and run to the other side of the shop and pretend like this did not just happen" Jake explained and I nodded d

"Okay sounds good" I said

I followed Jake out the stool and he opens the toilet door we're the big man stood like a bodyguard in front of us. Jake reached in his pocket and pulled out a 20

"This is yours if you say nothing or do not mention anything about this to the emo guy outside" Jake asked the store guy stood thinking for a little before snatching the 20 out his hand.

"Deal" he replied and Jake nodded as we both left the toilet

Heartbeat || Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now