• reflections •

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I can't find you, the girl that I once had
but the sex that we have isn't half bad
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino

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I woke up to the sun beaming in my eyes as I rubbed them open. My head was pounding, I must go drink a little too much last night. I felt a weight on my arm which I just assumed was Johnnie maybe he snuck into my room like the pervert he is or he just had a nightmare. He's a strange one bless him.

I began looking around my room and realised it looked much different to mine. It seemed like a girls room and it was like Olivia's style. Oh fuck.

I turned to look at what was on me and my eyes caught sight of Olivia laying top naked on my arm her face facing the opposite direction to me and her right arm resting on the pillow she was laying on. My mouth flew opened worried. I pulled the covers up a bit and saw I had boxers on but the rest of my clothes were gone like Liv.

Shit didn't she have a partner. What have I gotten myself into. I didn't want to wake her up but I had to what if her boyfriend was on his way home. I nudged her arm and she scrunched her face groaning.

"Liv" I said shaking her awake.

She stretched a little before rubbing her eyes awake. She turned it me and smiled as she yawned. I looked at her worried which made her face become confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that" she asked

"Did we have sex last night" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes Jake we did" she said as she sat up a little so she was my level.

"Are we back together"

"No Jake ffs, we just had sex" she moaned as I sat up and she did the same leaning against the head rest.

"I'm confused, I thought you had Tom" I said

"Were you drunk last night or something" she questioned and I grunted relaxing my body so i wasn't so tense

"Yes probably"

"Well I called you cause me and Tom had an argument before he left for Boston and you came over and we had sex"

"So he's not here?"


"And you asked for the sex?"


"Oh okay" I replied smiling to myself as I sunk back down into the bed she did the same a sad expression on her face.

Why did she looked depressed. She looked really sad and not happy at all. I was worried about her bad this new Tom guy, he didn't seem like a good guy and I didn't want her to get hurt. It's like he's changed her since we broke up. She's way more upset than she usually is and she isn't as energetic as she used to be. She seems different.

After a while I got a call and turned it over to see who it was. I stared at the name for a bit before turning to Liv. I reached over my chest and hers placing my finger on her lips.

"It's Johnnie you need to be quiet, he can't know im here" I said and she nodded in understanding.

I answered the phone and held it up against my ear listening in to hear for johnnies voice. I smiled once I heard it. Johnnie made me smile all the time whatever the situation, I loved that guy to pieces he did a lot for me which showed he truly cared and I will forever appreciate that.

"Hey Jake" he said

"Hey Johnnie, what's up?" I asked him

"I've just pulled up to your house and your not fucking here where the fuck are you" he asked

"Um, this really hot fan came up to me in the store yesterday evening and I went back to hers" i lied and I heard him sigh over the phone.

"Are you fucking kidding me Jake?"

"What? What's wrong with that"

"Never sleep with a fan, they always either let the whole internet know or they make up a whole lie like 'oh Jake Webber took advantage of me when we were both drunk" or something idk just don't do it man" he explained.

"I don't think that's gonna happen Johnnie and if it did that would probably mean more hot fans will come running to me thinking I'll have sex w them"

"Just hurry up and get home now" he replied and I laughed a little as I hung up the phone.

I turned off my phone and turned my attention towards Olivia as I stared at her lips a little before bringing myself back together with a cough.

"Basically I've got to get home but I'll see you later yeah?" I said and she nodded.

I glanced at her lips a final time before sliding to the edge of my bed and picking up my pyjamas of the floor and slipping them back on. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my chin and turned it in their direction. I looked up to see Olivia slowly lowering herself onto my lips connecting with her soft ones. She sucked on my bottom lip making me groan a little before she parted and turned it lay back down on her bed and already started drifting of to sleep which made a little giggle escape my lips.


I arrived at my house and stepped out the car walking up to the front door pushing it open and closing it roughly behind me. I heard Johnnie walk towards me from the living room and smile as he ran up and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi man" he said as we parted and he sat down onto the couch.

"Hey Johnnie"

"So did she have big tits" he I asked and I laughed as I pulled a blanket over my body nodding



"Fucking hell you bagged one, good on you Jake" he replied

"Yeha shes super hot" I bragged and he laughed as I carried on telling him about this 'girl' I slept with.

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