• driving •

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I wanted you to know
that I'm ready to go, heartbeat
my heartbeat
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino

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It was the next day since last night and the little session in the toilet stool and I woke up in a good mood. I was just happy knowing that me and Olivia were having casual sex. It was good and she tasted good so.

I walked downstairs and heard the sizzling frying pan as I walked into the kitchen. I saw Johnnie in the kitchen flipping some eggs and I walked up to him leaning against the counter watching his cooking.

"Morning" I said and he replied back "what are we doing today"

"What you wanna do something?" Johnnie asked and I nodded

"Yeah I'm in a good mood" I replied

"Well idc it's whatever you decide" I nodded and walked over to the glass cups filling one up w cold water and grabbed the spliff Johnnie was holding in between his fingers

"Did you find it awkward between you and liv yesterday at the gas station" he asked as he looked up at me.

"Nah it was alright, she was acting friendly and less annoyed so it was fine" I said as I blew the smoke away from johnnies face

"She seemed a little sad though" Johnnie said and I scrunched my face. So I wasn't the only one who thought that.

"Maybe she just misses me" I said shrugging and Johnnie hit my arm smirking as I began to laugh.
"Nah I'm joking" I rubbed nose as I took another drag. "I mean maybe it's something to w Tom" I suggested after I blew the smoke to the side and Johnnie snatched back out my hand.

"I don't know maybe I'll ask her about it" he replied as he put the cig in between his lips. He took a drag and all of a sudden his eyes lit up "oh yeah, I forgot to say there's a party tonight at colbys" Johnnie explained and I nodded

"Okay, what time"

"Like 8:00 I think"

"Okay I'll be there also I've decided to go to the skate park in 2 hours so be ready" I replied as I scrunched up johnnies hair and headed to the lounge.

"Okay, breakfast will be ready in 5"

"Okay" I yelled as I collapsed onto the sofa taking the tobacco off the coffee table to roll my own cigarette.


It was around 6:13pm and me and Johnnie were sat on a skate ramp, our feet dangling off the edge and a cigarette in between each others lips. There were empty beer bottles around us and another full crate behind us.

We had been sat here for a while now literally just talking but I enjoyed it. This man was my best friend and I wouldn't change one single thing abt him. I watched the sun go down as we started to talk about helping me get out the depressed era of my life.

"So the house is now clean, you've changed you diet and we get out the house pretty much every single day all within like what 3, 4 days" he questioned and I nodded proud of myself

"Yep" I said and he chuckled a little

"It's just the smoking and the drinking now" he replied and I turned to him quickly frowning

"What the fuck, I thought you were gonna let me off with that" I replied and he rolled his eyes

"Okay but do you want to be all shrivelled up by 50?" He asked and I looked down knowing he had defeated me "exactly"

"But I don't want to give up" I said raising my voice a little

"Okay fien what about you just reduce the number of beers and cigs you have a day" he asked and I grunted laying down flat on my back rubbing my face before sitting back up.

"Fine" I said and he smiled happy.

"We should probably get back now and get ready for the party" I said as I stood up from where I was sitting and reached my hand out signalling Johnnie to hand me my half drunken beer.

He picked it up handing it me before taking one last drag and throwing his stubby cig off the ramp. I climbed over the ramps fence and jumped off Johnnie following behind. I took a drag of my spliff before handing it to Johnnie and him doing the same as we walked to the car.


We had around 1 hour until the party and we were just sitting on the couch watching the tv with a beer in our hands. We both get changed in like half an hour as it takes a while to pick out an outfit so we have half an hour until we will get ready.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my pocket and I took it out staring down at the flashing screen. The contact name read

* Colby *

I answered it putting it on loud speaker so Johnnie could hear the conversation. Johnnie listened carefully as he paused the tv.

"Hey dude" I said as I took a sip of my beer

"Hey Jake, I was just calling to ask if you could bring some alcohol cause we are cut short" he asked

"Oh yeha of course" I replied

"It's because sam invited more people then I thought and most of them are bringing people so it's gonna be packed tonight" he replied and I smiled at Johnnie

"More hot women that means" Colby began to laugh.

"I mean yeah maybe you could get some pussy tonight" he replied and I chuckled

"Okay we got you dude, do you want us to come early" I asked

"Is that okay"

"Yeha sure whatever we will get ready now"

"Okay I'll see you in like...." The line went silent

"Uhhh like 40 mins" I asked

"Yeha that's fine, I'll see you later then" he said

"See you later man bye" I hung up and looked at Johnnie as we both put our beers down running up the stairs to our rooms.

Heartbeat || Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now