Part 1: Sorry pathetic story

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Jungkook's POV

The sharp sting of harsh consequences is the only thing that could drive me out on this bitter cold weather day. How do I build a new life and future that has been constructed on the foundation of bad choices? Doing it differently is not an option because the past is something I cannot change. I'll make it work. I must.

The pounding of my heart is so heavy it feels as if it's lodged in my throat as I anxiously rush down the busy boulevard frantically searching for 525.

"It should be close," I mumble while hurrying down the sidewalk to make my 10:00 a.m. appointment. God I need this job. I have the skills, so that part is easy. It's just the other stuff.

"Shit," I glance above and see the digital time in a bank's window. It's 9:50 a.m. I'll have to pick up my pace if I want to make it on time. I stuff my freezing and aching hands in my coat pockets to shield them from the brutal cold temperatures that cuts like a blade. I grit my teeth as annoyance bites at me with all the holiday shoppers moving in all directions.

I fuckin' hate this time of year. A bunch of suckers. That's what they are, Many of them spending money they don't have, in my opinion. I pull my coat collar up and dart through the holiday madness trying to avoid collision with the mindless shoppers.

There it is, 525. That's one huge ass department store.

Kim's Department Store

Damn, I can't be late. I need this job. I enter the store and get hit immediately with a holiday assault to my senses. Music, lights, bells, chimes, and the colors. I hate it all and it's a distraction I don't need right now. Focus Jungkook, focus.

This would all be amazing if only I liked Christmas. There's a crowd at the elevator. There's no way I'm getting to the 12th floor in 4 minutes. I'll have to take the stairs. Damn it!

I'm fit and in good shape, but 12 flights in 4 minutes. If I want this job, I'd better get my ass moving.

I enter the employment department at 9:59 hot, sweaty, and gasping for breath. I find a seat and, as I lower myself into the chair, I hear, "Jeon Jungkook!"

I'm a bit anxious as I advance to the front desk. This position is no big deal so why the hell am I nervous? I'll easily dazzle this interviewer with my knowledge and resume. But there's an uneasiness in my belly as I step forward. Last time I had this feeling, things did not go well for me.

The receptionist is an older woman with a deep raspy voice. She glances up over her large red rimmed glasses for a brief second and then looks at her list. "Mr. Wu will see you in room 3, Mr. Jeon." She then taps a buzzer, and a door opens. I stand for a few seconds before I realize that I'm to enter.

I locate room 3 and lightly tap on the door and hear a raspy upbeat voice. "Come in please," the male voice says. Behind the desk sits an older man in a black pin-striped three-piece suit with graying hair and a friendly smile. He stands and shakes my hand firmly and we then sit.

"Welcome to Kim's, Mr. Jeon." I feel uncomfortable as beads of sweat run in a straight line down my back. I adjust my position and nod my head as he continues.

"Looking at your resume, it appears that the only job you're qualified for is CEO, and that job is already taken." He adds a soft chuckle. "You are quite overqualified, Mr. Jeon." I smile, knowing that this in no way is a problem. Kim's department store should be lucky to have me. So, let's move on.

"You're applying for a management position. Unfortunately, I just filled that position. We decided to hire from within. Thanks for coming in and please keep Kim's in mind for all your holiday shopping needs." Mr. Wu stands and extends his hand towards me. My ass is cemented to my chair as I stare blankly at him.

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