Part 10: So gorgeous

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Taehyung's POV

I come in an hour earlier this morning and have already gotten half of my day's work completed. I sense excitement and the thrilling anticipation of good things to come. The joyful Spirit of Christmas.

What a day yesterday was. It started with a bit of difficulty and then finished with new highs. How wonderful it was to spend time with Dae.

Talking with Dae was like having dad here again. What a treasure she was. I sensed she enjoyed our time together as much as I did. And we laughed about the crazy ideas dad had. What was funny was that 95% of them worked.

He was an amazing man and there was so much of him I shut away after he was gone. I learned that he lives through our memories and the wonderful stories he told. I'm so grateful to Dae for reminding me of that.

He was an amazing father and I pray to one day have the opportunity to parent a child so I can know the blessing and joy of parenthood.

Dae shared stories about my mom that I never knew. Many so touching and others so damn funny I thought the restaurant manager would toss us out for making such a ruckus.

Dae told me not to miss my opportunity with Jungkook. A great love comes only once in a lifetime if you're lucky. The way her eyes gleam when she talks about dad is enough to tell me she had her great love. She said I would want to have a great love if I wasn't a stubborn idiot. What can I say, she has a way with words.

There's a soft knock at the door.

"Come in."

"Good morning, Tae, you're in early."

She walks in with a hot cup of coffee and places it on my desk.

"Why, thank you, Dae."

"You're welcome, Tae. Sehun's on line two and he's not happy. Uh, you going to act on that situation we talked about last night?"

"Dae, can I breathe a bit and yes, I'm going to act."

"Good," she says and pulls the door closed. I chuckle a bit and then pick up line two.

"Good morning, Sehun."

"Tae! What the hell is going on in the Holiday department? Marketing and Design are pissed!"

"Why are they pissed?"

"Apparently this new guy is asking for information and wanting to make changes."

"Sehun, I trust his judgment."

"Tae, I know who he is. He's your employee crush. Look, I'm not saying your judgment is off but are you sure?"

"Yes, Sehun. I did my research on his credentials. He has a master's degree in marketing and accounting and solid management experience."

"No shit! Then why the hell was he a clerk? Tae, if you trust him, that's good enough for me. I'll get marketing and design on board."

"Thanks, Sehun."

I have been wanting to call Jungkook all morning, but I just can't get my hands to pick up the phone. I take a few sips of my coffee and then make the call.

As the phone rings, my palms get sweaty, and I can't believe my schoolboy anxiety. This is terrible.

"Good Morning, Jungkook's office, Lisa speaking. How may I help you?"

"Good morning, Lisa, this is Kim Taehyung. How are you?"

"Oh, very well, Mr. Kim. Uh, Jungkook just left for a meeting with design and marketing. Can I take a message?"

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