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I didn't realize I was hungry until I saw this restaurant.

I managed to drag myself into a town, and now I'm walking— slowly— on the sidewalk outside of a cute little restaurant.

I've never wanted food more. Running like that drains me of a lot of energy, and I usually need to refuel.

Perfect— except I don't have money. Let's hope that this restaurant will give me my food first before I have to pay— because then I can run.

It's not like I want to steal, but what other choice do I have? Starve? Then I won't be able to use my speed to get further away.

I need fuel.

I walk inside, and it's a pretty big place, but it's also pretty low-key. I don't know what time it is, but the sun is rising, which means it's morning. They must serve breakfast here— and they're popular. There are lots of tables filled with people— which is good, because then I can leave without anyone noticing me.

The hostess is young, probably around my age, and I feel a little guilty I'm going to be stealing this food. I've never stolen anything before.

I order food with a fake smile and I can't stop shaking. I'm nervous. I feel anxious that I'm not gonna pay for my food, but also I hate that I'm not moving.

Any second that I'm sitting around, the agents are probably getting closer. They should have no idea where I am. But— somehow— they always find out.

I eat my food as fast as possible, and get ready to make a run for it— but something catches my eye.

There's a TV above the restaurant's bar, displaying an image.

Of me.

This has never happened before... they've never put me on the news. They wanted to keep me a secret, I thought. But now they must be getting desperate. They want me that badly? I don't understand why.

I swallow, hard. The caption underneath my picture on the TV reads:


This is not good. Now everyone in Minnesota is going to be looking out for me. They'll think I'm lost or just ran away from home or something— and then they'll turn me right over to the bad guys.

If they can catch me.

I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm. No one will be able to catch me, right? No one is fast enough. Even if they see me, I'll just run. I'll be fine.

"Excuse me?"

I nearly jump out of my pajama pants. I look up to see the cute blonde hostess standing over me.

This is it this is it! She knows me and I'm trapped—

"Are you finished?" She smiles innocently.

I look down at my empty plate and then back up, trying to find my voice past my current shock.

"Oh— uh, um, yeah." I force a smile as she clears my plate.

Run run run run run.

As she walks away through the doors to the kitchen, I stand up. I keep my eyes on the doors to make sure she doesn't come back out as I inch towards the exit.

I run into someone.

I quickly turn to face them and as soon as I see the black-clad "police" uniform, I panic.

An agent, he's evil he's bad he'll take me he'll hurt me.

I start to back up but he grips my arm tightly just below the shoulder. I wince, but he puts on a smile.

"Amelia? We've been looking for you," he says gently. "Your parents are extremely worried."

I read his name tag: Harvey. Last name, probably.

He takes a quick look around the restaurant, and I do the same. Everyone is watching. That's why Harvey is being nice— he doesn't want to cause a scene.

He wants it to look like he's just taking me home to my parents. But I know better. I know if I let him take me, I'll never see my parents again.

Harvey's eyes lock on someone at the bar, and his smile instantly disappears. I turn to see who it is, curious.

It's a young guy, my age, sitting alone at the bar. He's got stylishly messy black hair, half covered by his black hoodie. He's cute... but the real concern is why Harvey is staring at him.

The boy sees us, and his eyes go wide.

"There's another one here, send back up." Harvey says urgently into his walkie-talkie.

"Two in one spot?" The response chimes in. "What are the chances?"

I use this distraction to my advantage.

I rip out of Harvey's grip and kick him in the stomach as hard as I can. I don't care who's watching, I'm not letting them catch me.

At all costs.

The kick works wonders, sending Harvey to the floor. I have to fight back a smile I'm so happy. I've never fought off anyone like that in my entire life, so that was a pretty good hit.

It's the little accomplishments.

I turn around, and see the cute boy scurrying from his seat at the bar. But more importantly, I see a back exit behind him.

I run towards it, careful not to go too fast with spectators around.

Before I can make it, a different agent steps through the door, blocking my way out.

As I'm deciding what to do, the boy from the bar punches the agent so hard that he falls over completely unconscious. I stand there, completely and utterly stunned.

"We have to go! More are coming!" the boy shouts.

It takes me a second before I realize he's talking to me. I force my legs to move and the back door opens automatically as we're running towards it. No one was nearby to open it, but it stays open for us.

Just as the boy and I make it through, the door slams shut. We stop, out of breath, and celebrate our little victory inside.

I have so many questions for this strange boy, but now's not the time.

I turn away from the door, and gasp.

We're surrounded.

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