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I'm in a strange room.

The walls are black; the ceiling is black, the floor is black. I woke up on a soft bed with red velvet covers, which was actually really comfortable.

Strange, to give comfort to a prisoner.

There's even a small bathroom with a toilet and a sink— but no mirror.

There's a single portrait on one of the jet-black walls. A picture of Lombardi himself, with two others. They're young— my age— a boy and a girl. They must be his kids— I'd never guess this guy would have kids.

Was it really necessary to put a family
portrait on the wall of my cell? This man is psycho in more ways than I thought.

Yet, I know nothing about him. I have no idea how he knew who I was; I have no idea why he wants me or what he plans to do with me. And Kylan— he wants Kylan too. Why?

I'm wearing some weird body suit too. It's black— well no, it's really really dark blue. It's a full, light, flexible body suit that goes all the way up to my neck and zips in the front. It's paired with black ankle-boots.

It's kinda cool, but it grosses me out to think about how some stranger dressed my unconscious body.

I suddenly hear a pounding sound against the wall, and turn around, trying to find the source. Someone is slamming against the wall beside my bed.

It could be all sorts of things. Maybe I'm hallucinating, maybe Kylan came to save me.

Okay, there's absolutely no way Kylan could find me, let alone get through the heavy security of the massive mansion. Plus, he'd have to find the exact room I'm in. I wish...

A white fist flies through the wall above my bed and I jump back, my heart racing. What is happening?

I quickly push my bed to the side, and the fist starts punching harder against the wall to make the hole bigger. I have no idea how someone could break this wall— it's specially built to keep prisoners inside.

I try to help the person, thinking I could punch the wall too— it doesn't go well. I punch the wall and yell out, nearly breaking my hand. How is this person doing this?

Once the hole starts to get as big as my head, I bend down to peak through and scream. There's a face on the other side.

"Fucking fuck!" The girl yells.

She's young— younger than me. She's small and has short, blonde, wavy hair. How the hell did she manage to punch a hole in the wall?

"How did you do that?" I ask. "Who are you? What are you—"

"I thought this would fucking lead to outside so that I could get out of this hell-hole!" she complains.

"I— you just broke through a concrete wall with your hand," I say in awe.

"Wait— who the fuck are you?" she furrows her eyebrows.

"I'm Amelia, and you are?"

"Leila..." she looks me up and down suspiciously. "Wait— move."

I back away from the hole. "What?"

"You have the same room as me— wait— are you super strong too?"

"Super strong? What— no— are you?" My shock increases.

"How do you think I broke through the damn wall?" Leila asks, a little annoyed.

"So you have like— like a... power? Super strength?" I ask for clarification— because this can't be real.

"Yes, I know, I'm super fucking amazing now get over it because we have to get out of here." She punches more chunks out of the wall. "If you're not like me, then why are you here?"

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