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Lombardi knows our weaknesses.

I get it now— the testing. He's testing what it will take to burn out powers out. He's trying to find out how to control us. I want to know how close he is...

I was given a shower and breakfast without seeing anyone else— and I miss Kylan. I know it's only been a day, but I really want to talk to him. About everything.

But I know that's not going to happen.

Lombardi can't keep us apart forever. I know he didn't capture all of us just to keep us separated and sitting around doing nothing. But he's smart enough to know that if he were to let us see each other, we'd likely be able to overpower him and escape.

The door opens and I sit up on the red velvet bed, waiting for the agents to walk in. But it's not agents at the door.

It's Damien.

I tilt my head and open my mouth, but no question seems right. What? How? Why? I didn't think I'd ever see his face in this mansion again after what he did.

"I know." He smiles in amusement when he sees my face, and crosses his arms as he leans against the doorway causally. "It's unexpected."

Why is he so casual about everything? It makes me angry.

I muster a question. "Why are you here?"

He shrugs casually. "I didn't want you to be locked up all day, so I thought I'd do you a favor and show you around?"

"Why?" The question comes out immediately. I'm naturally suspicious of the son of Lombardi.

"Just let me try and do some good, okay?" Damien shoves his hands in his pockets. "What my father is going to all of you is bad enough, just let me at least make it somewhat better. Even the tiniest bit."

His smile is really perfect. And his dimples.

I stand up and step closer, crossing my arms and smiling. "That's what this is about? Trying to undo your dad's evil? Sorry to break it to you, but it can't be undone."

Damien frowns. "So you don't want a free house tour?" He points a thumb out the door.

I give him a look. "Your not gonna get in trouble?"

He shrugs. "Probably, but I don't care."

I follow him out the door.

"It's not like I'm helping you escape, right?" he points out as we start walking down a corridor. "My dad would never suspect me of doing that... oh wait." He gives me a look. "You told him."

I suddenly feel horribly guilty. "I— I tried not to— I swear." I swallow. "But Kai gave in..."

"Your boyfriend?"

I startle. "Look I'm sorry, but Lombardi— your dad— was going to hurt me until Kylan gave your name," I say, stopping to look Damien in the eye. "He had to do it."

"Hurt you?" Damien's eyebrows draw together in concern.

I nod, looking up into his dark eyes. "He's done it before, and he'll do it again. He knows Kylan and I... care about each other, and he used it against us. Makes us tell him things— whatever he wants."

"I knew my dad was dirty... but not that dirty."

We continue along our walk. "He's the dirtiest you can get. What did he... do to you? When he found out you helped us?"

"You care?" He glances at me through the corner of his eyes.

"I felt guilty... you helped us and we rated you out."

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