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We're lost.

I'm not surprised. Kylan didn't really know exactly how to get there, he only had a basic idea of the layout of Chicago.

Clearly he got confused, because we ended up in the middle of nowhere.

Okay, technically not nowhere. There's a single casino. But other than that's it's nothing but dead trees and yellow grass.

Kylan laughs at my glare.

He's much less stressed, apparently.

"This doesn't look like the airport." I scowl.

He seems calm. "I'm happy that we're free from the agents."

"But—" I start breathing fast.

"It's fine, Amelia, okay?" Kylan touches my arm, and I take a deep breath. "We'll just ask someone inside for the directions."

"In there?" I point to the run-down, sketchy casino, disgusted.

"Do you have another idea?"

"I wish we could stay at that hotel forever." I complain with a sigh.

Kylan gives a small smile. "Me too." He nods his head towards the casino. "Now, let's go."

I walk with Kylan, reluctantly. "You do the talking, okay?"

"I'm good at talking."

"Of course you are."

Kylan laughs. "I'll take the compliment."

When we open the door, his smile drops. It's actually busier than I thought for a late afternoon. But everyone in here is either male or has a beard. Yeah. They look straight out of a scene from a western cowboy movie.

They all turn as we walk in, surprised to see us. I would be surprised too. They're all old, grey, and have bandanas or eye-patches. We're young and new.

I swallow, automatically shifting closer to Kylan. I hate this place and I want to leave now.

Kylan leans in to my ear. "I can hear you judging from here," he whispers. I take deep breaths. "Relax, I got this."

I turn to him. "That's what you said before you got us lost!" I whisper.

He turns away, smiling at the prying eyes.

At least it's not dead quiet. Everyone's busy gambling and winning money or losing money.

"Maybe we can make some money," Kylan says, walking away towards a poker table.

I quickly grab the sleeve of his shirt and keep up with him, scared to leave his side. I feel like I'll get snatched.

Kylan finds my fear funny.

"No— we're not staying," I demand. "You ask someone for directions, and we're leaving. That's it."

He turns to me, eyebrows drawn together. "C'mon, Amelia. Just give me 10 minutes—"

"10 minutes?!"

He ignores that. "And then we'll have some money to help us get by. It'll help— a lot. And you know it."

I look around. "Where am I supposed to go?"

"Wherever you want." He takes a spot at the poker table.

"Kylan." I force him to look at me. "Promise me no longer than ten minutes."

The amusement is gone from his eyes. "I promise, Lia. Okay?"

I nod. "I'll be at the bar. Where I can see you... easily."

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