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I'm trapped and alone.

My wrists are handcuffed to the hospital bed, and Kylan and Leila are no where to be seen. My heart is beating so fast and all I feel is a suffocating fear.

I struggle against the handcuffs. "Kylan! Where is Kylan?"

The young nurse puts a hand on my arm. "Your friends took Kylan away, they will take care of you now. Don't worry." She gives me a sweet smile.

Panic spikes through my body and I can hardly breathe. "My— my friends?"

"Yeah, they told me that they would take care of you and bring you home." The nurse responds gently.

"No— I don't— I don't understand." My voice is shaking.

"They said they're with Mr. Lombardi? Does that sound familiar?" The nurse scans my face.

I almost start crying right there and then. "No— they aren't my friends!" I cry desperately, hysterically.

The nurse furrows her eyebrows. "You can trust them to get you home, okay?"

"No— please— you have to let me go! Now!" I shout. "Don't let them take me! Please!"

The nurse rolls away on her chair and comes back with a syringe. "I think you need to relax a bit and heal up, alright?"

I shake my head, pulling as hard as I can against the handcuffs. My wrists start to hurt. "KYLAN! NO YOU CAN'T SEND US BACK THERE! PLEASE!"

The nurse quickly injects the sedative into my arm and I fall back limp on the bed, forcing my eyes to keep opening.

"There we go." The nurse smiles and I want to slap her in the face, but I don't have the energy. "Get some rest."

A single tear escapes from the corner of my

I see two agents walk in under my heavy eyelids, and I finally lose the battle and pass out.

— —

I wake up surrounded by blackness.

Instead of white hospitals walls and a white hospital bed, I see the complete opposite: black walls and a black 'bed'. I wouldn't even call it that. It doesn't have any sheets or pillows, and it's hard and uncomfortable.

I'm laying flat on my back, starting up at the black ceiling. My wrists are still in restraints, limiting my movement and ensuring I can't escape this place.

I know where I am: Lombardi's Mansion.

Kylan and Leila are probably locked away in their holdings... but why aren't I?

I shift and feel the pain in my stomach of where my bullet wound is. I can feel the bandage over it.

I lean up as much as I can, seeing the white square-bandage covering the wound. There's a small bit of blood in the center.

I'm only wearing grey sweatpants (Lily's), and my black bra. I feel exposed. Why am I here? Why aren't I locked away?

The door opens and I lay back, but turn my head to look. A young girl walks in, two agents on each arm. The color of her hair immediately catches my eye.

Her hair is a mix of all of the shades of orange, along with tinges of blonde highlights. It's a startling contrast with the darkness of the room.

Her pale skin is splashed with freckles, and her eyes are a light shade of green. She's so pretty it feels like it should be illegal for her to be in this dungeon of a mansion.

She's wearing a body suit similar to the one I usually have to wear, except instead of blue, it's a dark dark green.

"I haven't healed someone in a long time." She's telling the guards, her voice angelic. "I don't know if this is a good idea."

Of course, they don't respond. I've hardly heard a guard answer any questions, let alone speak.

They sit her down on a stool next to my 'bed' and she looks down at me with worried green eyes. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Who are you?" I ask, craning my neck to see her.

"Hi, Amelia." She forces a smile, a perfect smile. "My name is Summer."

The name fits her way too perfectly. And then I remember...

I finally see the names on the doors: Chase Andrews and Summer Swift.

She's one of the specials. Like me. She's been locked up here. I'm not sure how long, but I don't think this is the best time to start a conversation.

She spares an anxious glance at the guards, and then look back at me, at my gun shot wound.

"Why... why are you here?" I rest my head against the 'bed', watching her carefully.

"I'm going to heal you." She swallows.

She has the power to heal? That is amazing... it makes my speed seem stupid.

"Just relax and close your eyes, it will only take a minute," Summer says, forcing a soothing tone in her voice.

I listen.

I feel her warm hands peel the bandage away from my stomach, and then press down over to wound. I wince slightly.

I start to feel the wound heat up, only slightly, and tingling sensations course through my body. I shift uneasily.

"Stay still," Summer commands.

I do, but the sensations start getting stronger. My breathing quickens... but then I start to feel some of the pain from my wound start to fade.

I can almost feel my skin sticking itself back together. It's the most strange feeling ever. But it also feels amazing.

My whole body doesn't have a single ounce of pain anywhere. No cuts, no black eye, no bullet wound.

I feel the warmth of her hands fade and she removes them from my skin. I open my eyes instantly and sit up, seeing nothing but healthy flesh on my side. That's so weird.

Summer faints.

I gasp, a spike of worry shooting though me.

The agents immediately pick her up and start carrying her out of the room.

"Wait..." My voice is so quiet I can barely hear it myself.

And then I'm alone in the room.

I wanted to thank her or at least talk to her for a little bit. I want to know how long she's been here... what they've done to her. Or what they've made her do.

Chances are, I might never see her again.

I might never see Leila again.

I might never see Kylan again.

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