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I could start running.

I could run as fast as I can away from
these agents and away from Lombardi. If I managed to get out of this maze of a house, I could keep running.

But I wouldn't get anywhere.

I couldn't last a day out there without Kylan. I would have nowhere to sleep or eat. I would be caught easily and sent back to this mansion and suffer the consequences. All my work for nothing. It'd be an endless loop.

So I have to be patient.

I have to wait for the right movement and get out of here with Kylan. It has to happen eventually because I refuse to believe that I'm bound to this holding for life.

When the time comes, I will be ready. I hope Kylan is too.

— —

I'm strapped to the table by metal.

I lay back on the bed, while my wrists and ankles are tightly restrained, which makes me more than a little nervous.

I don't know what Lombardi is experimenting today. I hope it doesn't hurt.

His face comes into view above me and I blink in the bright light.

"Whatever business you have with my son ends now, are we clear?"

I manage a nod. I was punished for walking with Damien by not getting a lunch. I wonder how Damien was punished... probably worse.

"If I see you together again, there will be consequences," he continues.

All around me is a bunch of technology and equipment. Monitors and cords like last time, and also tools that look a little too scary to be medical devices.

The cords connect to my legs like before, but also a couple on my head.

"Set the clock." Lombardi tells an agent. "Time starts now."

He didn't tell me what he was going to be testing— which he did last time. I don't know why; maybe it's a secret?

I hear Lombardi fidgeting with the equipment behind me and I close my eyes, taking deep breaths—


Pain so excruciating I can't even hear my own screams.

When it finally stops, I'm out of breath and nearly in tears. What the hell was that? I tilt my head back, finding Lombardi holding some sort of weird tool in his hand.

"Electricity." Lombardi says when he sees me. "To test it's effect on you."

I inhale sharply, still making low noises of pain. What would that do besides cause pain? And maybe kill me?

He checks the monitor and writes things down a a clipboard. "It doesn't harm your natural body. Only your supernatural power is effected."

He sets the clipboard down and presses the cool metal of the electrocuter against my neck. I squeeze my eyes shut.

The pain starts again. I feel my legs seizing and my veins feel like they're being fried. I want to pass out. Please pass out.

I don't pass out.

Lombardi pulls away and this time tears are falling from my cheeks, but I'm not crying.

Lombardi is smiling. "Excellent."

I fight against the restraints, though I'm well aware it won't get me anywhere. I just can't be here I can't take this anymore. "Let me out of here, now— I can't do this!"

Lombardi smiles still, almost laughs. "Do you think you have a say? Because then I can assure you, you are very much wrong."

He electrocutes me again, longer this time.

I whine in anger and pain. "You sadistic bastard!"

Now he laughs.

The metal restraints suddenly unlock. I hold my breath, stunned for a moment, and then burst upright.

Wherever Lombardi is I'm going to snap his neck with my bare hands!

I fly up off the bed and charge at him— but stop suddenly.

Something's wrong.

My speed won't work. I can't run as fast as usual. No— this can't be happening. This isn't possible.

"What's wrong? Feeling... powerless?" Lombardi smiles in amusement at me.

You know what, I don't need my speed to snap his neck.

I run straight at him, hands up, aiming for his face. But I don't get to even touch him before an agent shoves me out of the way.

Lombardi is laughing.

I'm crying.

"Please don't do this to me!" I scream. "Give me my power back! Now!"

I fight against the two agents fruitlessly, hoping to claw out Lombardi's eyes.

The agents drag me out of the room, trying to pull my arms behind my back. My anger gives me a surge of adrenaline and I find the right moment to punch one agent in the face.

The other instantly tackles me to the ground, rolling me onto my stomach and pinning me there.

I don't fight anymore. I'm still think about how my power is gone. My anger is fading into dread... loss.

I'm not me without my speed. There is no life without my speed.

The agents cuff my hands behind my back and start to drag me back to my holding.

It's not until they click all three locks closed that I collapse against the wall, my head in my knees, and break down.

Lost Soul DownWhere stories live. Discover now