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We're in California.

I can't even begin to comprehend that. I was taken by the agents in Colorado, and they only drove a short way before we got to the mansion— at least that's what I thought.

I have no recollection of being on an airplane, or traveling anywhere far. But I did. Because here I am, in San Diego.

It's warm, for once. It's around January so it would usually be cold if I was still living in Minnesota. It's not hot here, but it's better than the ice cold winters of the north.

"I know a place we can stay for a bit," Kylan says as we approach a pay-phone.

We made it to a town (San Diego), after a treacherous hike through the forest outside the mansion we were trapped at.

I'm still kind of in shock from the fact that Lombardi's own son helped us escape. I don't know how to feel about Damien. I just know that I can't trust him because of this one time he helped us. His dad is a clear psychopath, so what's to stop him from being one too?

Leila and I wait patiently while Kylan chats with someone unknown on the phone. I don't know how he knows anyone around here to be able to call them. I'll ask later, when we're safe.

Right now, Lombardi and his agents could be searching the streets for us. And they may get to San Diego soon.

Kylan puts the phone back, and turns to us.

"So?" Leila crosses her arms impatiently.

"We'll wait inside until she gets here." Kylan gestures for us to follow him inside the small building just near the telephone.

It turns out to be a Starbucks. I can't remember the last time I've had Starbucks. I can't have it now... with no money. We were only able to beg someone on the street to give us a coin for the pay-phone.

We don't look friendly in these weird body-suits. Plus I'm beat up and Leila still has some agent's blood on her face. Kylan has a slight black eye, nothing that won't heal over time.

Still, we aren't approachable.

We find a small table in the back, and Leila goes to the bathroom before I start grilling Kylan with questions.

"Who'd you call?"

He looks up, his black hair hanging messily over his blue-green eyes. He still looks so good despite being punched so hard that he blacked out.

"My Aunt."

My eyes widen, but it kinda hurts since I have a black eye too. "Your Aunt?"

"We can trust her, Amelia."

I tilt my head, unconvinced. "I thought your parents wanted to give you up for the money— why wouldn't she?"

"She's different. I swear— do you trust me?"

I lick my lips. "Yes."

"Then trust me when I say that she'll help us."

I take a deep breath. "How long?"

"We can stay with her for a couple days. I get that she doesn't really want to keep three specials stowed away in her house for too long."

I nod. "I really need to get out of this suit. It keeps reminding me of Lombardi and his stupid face."

Kylan smiles, despite me being upset. "You look hot though."

I smile, my bad mood vanishing. Of course Kylan can say something like that at a time like this. Not that I didn't think the same when I saw him in his suit.

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