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Nothing makes sense.

Why would Lombardi go through all the pain and loss of catching me, just to disable my power? Was that his goal? To turn us all back to normal?

I don't believe it.

I didn't sleep. I didn't touch my dinner. I didn't move from my position as a ball on the floor, tucked in the far corner.

I know I once asked to be normal, but I take it all back. All of it.

I want Kylan... I need Kylan. I want to be in his arms and rant to him and feel his comfort and love.

I'm going to kill Lombardi. He's going to regret doing this to me. He's going to wish that he never met me.

Then I feel it.

A little trickle, at first, of my power. It's like a tingling feeling that's growing in my legs.

I'm scared. I've never gone though this before.

Is it just the final power leaving?

I straighten my legs out in front of me, the tingling sensation now throughout the entirety of both legs.

I have no idea what this means.

But I feel power... like it's returning to me. But it's only been a mere half an hour since Lombardi... yeah.

I slowly— very gingerly— stand up. I can stand, of course, and now the tingling is starting to fade.

I take a step forward, and a step back, testing my legs.

I feel like before— before I was tortured. Like that same power still thrums throughout my veins. Like I could run faster than a car.

I almost smile.

The final test: I run.

I slam into the wall so hard that I bounce backwards onto the floor. But I don't feel the pain. I'm too high on joy.

He didn't succeed!

My speed is officially back.

I can use this to my advantage— Lombardi won't expect this. He still thinks I'm just a normal girl. He thought he could take away my powers that easily? I almost laugh.

I hear the door to my holding unlock and quickly sit up, feeling awkward in the middle of the room. I quickly sit down on the edge of the bed, trying to act natural.



He gives me a shy smile, but then immediately turns it off.

"What's wrong?" he asks, drawing his eyebrows together. "You look like you've been crying."

"You shouldn't be here." Is what I respond with.

He closes the door slowly. "There's no cameras in the holding, only outside. I made a little distraction so I could walk in here. Don't worry, Amelia." He smiles. "I have it all under control."

I cross my arms as he walks over and gestures for me to move over. I shift backwards, sitting criss-cross on the bed while Damien sits on the edge.

"Was it my dad? What did he do?" Damien asks. He lifts his hand up, like he might touch me, but then puts it back down.

"He—" I pause and sigh. "He electrocuted me. But that's not why I was crying. He disabled my power— my speed."

Damien's eyes widen, and he stands up. "Are you kidding me? There's no way—"

I reach a hand out and gently grab his arm to calm him down. "No— it's fine. It came back. He doesn't know that."

Damien takes a breath and sits back down. "That's good— that means you have a chance at getting out of here."

"You think so?" I look down at my lap, fidgeting with my hands.

"Look, I want you to be happy," Damien says, and I look up. "That's why I risked coming here..."

I remember when we talked last. I asked him
about my parents.

I perk up with hope. "What'd you find out?"

"My dad was vague... he didn't want to tell me anything," Damien starts.

I look back down. "Oh."

"He knew I was trying to help you," he continues, "and he didn't want to give you the news you wanted."

I nod. "Right, yeah. I should've expected that."

"But I know they're alive."

I look up at that, surprised. "How?"

"My dad confirmed it— accidentally." Damien laughs short.

"They're alive?" I jump up. "They're alive!"

Damien smiles at me, nodding.

"Oh my god that is amazing!" I laugh with joy.

There's a chance I might see my parents again. I miss them so much. This gives me so much hope. I'm so happy I could cry.

I throw my arms around Damien in a hug, surprising myself with my own actions. I just really needed a hug.

He's surprised too, but hugs me back. It feels good, to be held in his arms.

"I'll find out more," he promises.

I pull away, hands on his shoulders. "Thank you. This means so much to me."

Damien's eyes are different shades of black and dark brown if you look close enough. They're amazing to look at.

"Anything you need." His eyes flicker from my lips to my eyes and I suddenly feel nervous. There's no reason for it.

Kylan's name is echoing in my mind.

I pull away from him and quickly turn around. "You should go."

Damien hesitates a moment before answering. "Yeah— I wouldn't want to get you caught."

He heads for the door.

"Damien." I look up at him as he turns around. "Will you be back?"

The corner of his mouth lifts in a smirk. "Do you want me to come back?"

I give a small smile and nod.

"Then yes."

Damien slips out the door, leaving me a lot happier than I was before.

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