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I wake up on a plane.

I don't have any recollection of how I got here— tied to this seat on a plane.

All I know is that I'm so weak that even blinking is hard. Even breathing takes effort.

I can only open my eyes enough to see where I am.

We're on our first of five missions. I don't know where we're flying to exactly, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

And I have to do whatever Lombardi says now— or else he'll hurt my parents.

I love that I was born with a power that no one else in the world has ever had— but not with these consequences.

I'm not in control of my life. Someone else is. And I hate it. I hate not having control.

Maybe after all of this is over, Lombardi will let us go.


It's the only hope I can hang onto to get me through this.

I just want my life back— a life with my parents and with Kylan and a normal school with normal friends. I want to go to college— I don't care what college.

I want to grow old and have a family and live a normal, happy life.

If I have to go through this first, then so be it. But if we give Lombardi the power he wants, what is he going to do? Take over the world? Then there would be no normal life to even dream about.

This is all so hard. I have to help Lombardi but I also can't help him. I'm stuck.

And I hate it.

Lost Soul DownWhere stories live. Discover now