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"Damnit how did they find us?" Kylan whispers, pulling me deeper into the gas station.

"They must have eyes like— everywhere."

We duck behind a shelf near the slushies, hearing the agents voices. They're asking the cashier about us.

"Fuck, there's only one exit," Kylan observes, peeking around the shelf. "We have to loop around." He grabs my arm. "C'mon."

Ducking low, we quickly dive behind a shelf right next to the door. I'm about to exit when Kylan pulls me back, clasping a hand over my mouth.

My back is against his chest when he whispers in my ear, "they're blocking the way out."

I'm breathing so fast I'm surprised the agents can't hear me. I can feel Kylan's rapid heartbeat too. He slowly removes his hand and I turn to face him. He presses a finger to his lips, and I can't help but stare.

I've never been this close to someone before. I've never been anywhere long enough to make friends. Kylan is the first friend I've had since... a long time. I feel so comfortable and safe with him— and it's something so new for me. Right now... right now I want to kiss him. And by the way he's looking at me, I'd guess he wants the same.

"Amelia Hope and Kylan Singh, we know you are here." An agent's voice booms through the gas station, jerking me out of my thoughts. "Enough with the games. Surrender now, and no one will have to get hurt."

I search Kylan's eyes, and he shakes his head, putting his hands on my waist to pull me closer. My breath catches.

If we surrender, we get hurt. But there's no exit. The last ditch effort is running. I can take my chances and try to speed past the agents who are blocking the door. Chances are, they won't see me in time to react.

The agents voice is lower now— he's not talking to us. "Seize them."

Multiple sets of footsteps start spreading throughout the gas station. I hear someone getting closer—

"You are going to run, okay?" Kylan says quietly. "Run and do not stop."

I grab his arm. "Okay—"

"No." He pulls away. "Just you."

"What?" I hear the shock in my voice. "Kylan— no— no way—"

"We're done for, Amelia." His eyebrows draw together. "If we both go down now, it's done. You can run, I'll distract them for as long as possible, okay?"

I try to speak but he keeps going.

"You need to run as far as you can and don't stop and promise me..." he takes a breath, "promise me you won't get caught."

My eyes gloss over with tears. I can't leave him. But it's the only choice. If I stay, we're both going to be caught.

"I promise," I whisper.

In the blink of an eye, Kylan's gone. I watch as he throws a punch at one of the agents guarding the door. There are two.

They both work together to restrain him, giving me a chance to run. I get into stance, waiting for the perfect open—

The ground is hard and cold.

Someone had hit me hard in the back, sending me forward onto the ground. My spine feels like it snapped. I groan in pain, stunned and unable to move. Air won't fill my lungs for a moment too long.

The agent flips me over onto my back, and I gasp, seeing a gun pointed at my face.

"Don't move," he demands. "Don't even think about using your—"

Using my speed, I knock the gun out of the man's hands before he can even blink. Equally as fast, I kick him as hard as I can in the groin.

I grab the gun and quickly tuck it into the waistband of my pants.

I head for the door, which is newly opened up— no guards. I put my hand on the handle, but stop when I hear the sound of a gun click.

"Take one more step, and he's dead."

Shaking, I slowly turn around to the sound of the voice.

Kylan is between two guards, multiple standing behind them. Each has a strong grip on his arm, one is holding a gun to the side of his head. Kylan's lip and nose are bleeding, and he's barley conscious.

I can't get there fast enough to knock the gun away— not from this distance.

I put my hands up in surrender. "Don't... shoot," I breathe, my voice trembling.

"On your knees," the agent demands, shoving the gun against Kylan's head. "Hands behind your head."

I wince, and slowly— very slowly— obey. I take deep breaths, but I feel like I can't breathe. Like my throat is closing.

I either use the gun I stole, or let them take me and Kylan away.

I've never shot a gun— I've never held one.

It's my only chance.

I pull it out at in insane speed— and then hesitate as I point it at the agent holding the gun to Kai's head.

What if I miss?

I can't kill someone!

I can't do this!

I have to do this.

Speeding just a bit closer, I bury the bullet into the agent's head.

Everything is a blur after that— I blacked out.

I don't know how many shots rang out, but the gun is out of bullets and I find myself still pulling the trigger in a daze.

Kylan's hand on my arm brought me back to reality, and I run as fast as I can away from that gas station.

I run and I don't stop until I collapse.

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