14. Rainy Game Night - Nya x reader (Ninjago)

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Content Warning: Romantic Content

This story contains scenes of romantic intimacy, including a makeout session. You have been warned, so don't attack me in the comments. 

Ps: This is my first time writing like this (make out, sexual content or wathever you want to call it), so please be aware of that.

"Another rainy evening." I mumbled to myself, finally leaving the window of the bounty. I looked at Nya, only to see her gaze already on me. Finally getting over my short shock, I nodded my head, indicating us to get the others. I was going to get Jay and Kai, and Nya was going to get Cole, Zane, and Lloyd.

I walked towards the kitchen in the ship to find Jay and Kai. And... they were standing on their hands while eating... "What the hell are you two doing?" I asked them, making them lose their control. They both fell, Jay on his face and Kai on his stomach.

As Jay and Kai groaned from their clumsy fall, I couldn't help but shake my head at the peculiar scene. The metallic clatter echoed in the small kitchen, blending with the rhythmic patter of rain against the spaceship's windows.

"Again. What the hell were you two doing?" I questioned, suppressing a laugh.

Jay, rubbing his nose, managed to shoot me a sheepish grin. "Well, we both wanted a cookie, only to find that there was only one left. Soooo, we decided to do different things to see who would win.

"And thanks to you, none of us won. Which makes it 99 to 99." Kai still sprawled on the floor, added annoyed.

I chuckled at the absurdity of their cookie competition, shaking my head at the odd dynamics of our makeshift space crew. "Seriously, guys? You wanted to end it with a handstand while eating a bowl of cereal?"

Jay, still on the floor, managed to prop himself up on his elbows. "Well, it seemed like a fair and fun way to decide. Besides, it was Kai's idea."

Kai shot Jay a mock glare, then turned his attention to me. "Yeah, well, next time we'll stick to a more traditional method, like rock-paper scissors."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well, you two are in luck, because I know just the way to decide." I replied, moving around them to the cookie lying on a plate. They both looked at me, crossing their fingers for it to be them. When I got to the cookie, I broke it in two.

Jay and Kai exchanged puzzled glances as I handed them each a portion of the cookie. The room fell into a momentary silence, broken only by the rain tapping against the spaceship's hull.

"Equal shares for equal fools," I quipped, unable to contain a grin.

Jay and Kai stared at their cookie halves, then at each other, and finally back at me. A shared realization dawned in their expressions. The absurdity of their previous competition suddenly seemed trivial in the face of the simple act of sharing.

Kai broke into a lopsided smile. "Well, that's one way to settle it, I guess."

Jay, still recovering from his failed handstand, nodded in agreement. "Fair enough. No more zero-gravity stunts for cookies."

I couldn't help but shake my head at the comical turn of events in our little kitchen. It was moments like these that made living something to look forward to.

"Well, this wasn't what I intended to, but that's fine." I stated softly, my gaze flickering from both boys. "Okay, you two, let's go to the living room."

Jay and Kai exchanged curious glances, and I couldn't help but let a small smirk escape, knowing what was brewing in the living room. We began walking, cracking some jokes on the short walk through the ship.

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