78. Tales of Firelight - the hobbits x reader (Lord of The Rings)

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Hello, my beautiful readers!

I must say, you look absolutely stunning! I mean, I almost fainted. I hope this day or night is being nice to you, and it is so good to see that you survived another day on this earth. I want you to know to be proud of yourself. And if this day is a little hard on you and you're not really proud of yourself at the moment, I want you to know that I am proud of you.

I hope this story is good, and I would really appreciate it if you would maybe like or comment. However, it is all up to what you want. The comments and likes I have gotten are amazing, and I'm really proud and happy, because if I were being real, I thought this story would flop as hell. I didn't even think I would get any reads.

But all the things I get from my story are what help me continue writing. I often feel like my writing isn't good enough and that other people are doing a way better job. And if you are maybe going through some of these thoughts as well, you can comment about your story if you want to. I would be glad to read them and see what beautiful things you write.

I love you all, have a good day or night! 


The Fellowship of the Ring had been journeying for what felt like an eternity, their path fraught with danger and uncertainty. As they made camp for the night, weary and worn from their travels, Y/N rose gracefully from their place beside the three men and made their way over to where the four hobbits sat huddled together.

With a tired but genuine smile, Y/N asked the four young men, "Mind if I join you?" Their voice soft but filled with warmth, almost like a leaf flowing with the wind.

The hobbits looked up, their faces lighting up at the elf's offer. With nods of agreement, they shuffled over to make room for Y/N to sit among them, grateful for the chance to share a moment of respite with their companion.

As Y/N settled down, they took a look at the four, seeing how their expressions were tired yet had so much energy left in them. "How has the day been for you guys?" Y/N started up a conversation as they blew some hair out of their face.

A weary look burst out after a little stillness, interrupted only by the other members of the company speaking and the flickering of the fire. "Long and tiring, as usual. But we're managing owing to the company." Frodo started out with a little smile for Y/N and the other hobbits.

Samwise nodded in agreement. "Aye, that's right. It's been tough going, but knowing we're all in this together makes it bearable."

Merry and Pippin chimed in with tales of their day's adventures, their youthful enthusiasm shining through despite their exhaustion. And as Y/N listened intently to the hobbits' tales, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten as they became engrossed in the youthful enthusiasm of Merry and Pippin's stories.

As Merry recounted a particularly daring escape from a band of roaming orcs, Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the hobbit's animated gestures and exaggerated expressions. Pippin, ever the mischievous one, interjected with his own version of events, embellishing the tale with colorful details that had everyone laughing despite the hardships of the day.

"Well, I would like to say that you guys are doing amazing." Y/N started, giving the four a proud smie, like a parent gave to their child. "When Bilbo, for example, was on this type of adventure, he was moaning and moaning about how tired he was and the stuff he missed back at the Shire." They finished off with a small chuckle, almost like music to the ears listening.

"Wait a minute," Merry spoke, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Y/N, were you... were you part of Thorin Oakenshield's company?"

The question hung in the air, catching Y/N off guard for a moment. They nodded slowly, a faint smile playing at the corners of their lips.

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