17. Chess Duets - Benny Watts x reader (The Queens Gambit)

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The chess club's ambiance hummed with quiet intensity as Benny Watts, the grandmaster with an air of mystery, found himself facing an unexpected challenger—me. The pieces on the worn chessboard stood ready for a match that promised more than strategic moves.

I took my seat across from Benny, neatly folding my skirt so that I was sitting on it, rather than revealing anything. My mind was doing what it does best: running wild. I took a deep breath and moved my chess pieces, so they were neatly placed on the board. Even though it wouldn't matter, but it's only for my sake.

But while my attention was on organizing the pieces, I didn't notice the gaze from Benny, which never left me. Finally, being satisfied with the chess board, my attention turned towards the man sitting in front of me.

His gaze sharp yet contemplative, moved across my face, taking in my features, before a teasing glint appeared, making me raise an eyebrow. "Ready for this?" he teased, a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

I met Benny's gaze with a confident nod, feeling a subtle thrill at the challenge that lay ahead. "Absolutely," I replied, a hint of determination in my voice.

The chess pieces, each holding the potential for victory or defeat, seemed to come alive under the room's soft lighting. The worn chessboard beneath my fingers felt like a battleground, and the atmosphere held a quiet intensity.

As the first moves unfolded, I could feel Benny's surprise at my strategic choices. The pieces moved with purpose, each decision a calculated step in a dance that only the skilled players could understand. The air between us crackled with the unspoken language of chess.

While focusing on my next move, I noticed Benny's gaze lingering, his eyes a window into a mind that had faced countless opponents. It was a gaze that held a blend of assessment and curiosity, as if trying to figure out the unique strategy I brought to the game.

Once satisfied with my decision, I shifted my attention to Benny. "Chess is a fascinating dance, isn't it?" I remarked, attempting to match his playful tone.

Benny leaned forward, a grin playing on his lips. His eyes, sharp yet peaceful, scanned the chessboard as well as my eyes, as if he were trying to find my secrets.

"Indeed. A dance where every move tells a story." He mused, the smirk never leaving his face. As the match progressed, the room seemed to shrink, and it was just Benny and me, immersed in a strategic dialogue that transcended words. The game unfolded, a series of calculated maneuvers and unexpected twists.

Breaking the silence, Benny posed a question, his eyes locked onto mine. A spark of curiosity and the need for understanding danced in his gaze. "What brought you to chess, Y/N? What's your story?"

I took a moment, considering my response. "Chess is a refuge, a realm where the chaos of life transforms into order. It's a conversation where words are replaced by moves, and every piece carries the weight of a thousand decisions."

Benny nodded, acknowledging the sentiment. "A sentiment I can appreciate. We all find our solace in the game, in different ways."

"What about you, Benny Watts? What made you realize the message chess gave?" I asked, my gaze focused on his.

Benny's gaze held a thoughtful gleam as he considered my question. Leaning forward, his fingers lightly tapped the worn chessboard, as if conjuring the memories embedded within the pieces.

"Chess," he began, his tone reflective, "it's a language that transcends the spoken word. Each move, each gambit, tells a story. The board becomes a canvas, and the pieces, storytellers. I realized this at a young age, growing up in a world where words often failed to convey the complexities of human interaction."

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