68. Seeking Reader Input: Help Shape the Next Chapter!

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Dear Beloved Readers,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the same excitement and anticipation for storytelling as I am. Before delving into another chapter, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and encouragement. Your feedback means the world to me, and I am continuously inspired by your passion for the stories we share together.

Today, I humbly come to you with a request. As I embark on crafting new oneshots, I yearn to tailor my stories to better suit your preferences and interests. Specifically, I'm eager to know if there are any genders you would like to see featured in my tales. Whether you crave the familiar comfort of romantic fluff or seek the intensity of angst-filled narratives or intimate moments, your feedback is crucial in shaping the direction of my writing.

Moreover, I'd love to hear your thoughts on which fandoms you'd like to see more of in my stories. Whether it's a fandom I've already explored or a new one awaiting discovery, your suggestions will help me curate an enriching literary experience for us all.

Furthermore, are there any characters you're particularly fond of and would like to see more of? For instance, if we journey into the realm of Harry Potter, which characters from the magical world do you hold dear? Or if we venture into the enchanting world of Disney, is there a character you yearn to see in a platonic or romantic oneshot?

So, my dear readers, I implore you to take this "chapter" into account and share your thoughts in the comments below. Your insights and suggestions hold immeasurable value to me, and I eagerly anticipate reading each and every one.

It doesn't need to be a lengthy comment with a detailed plot request. Simply let me know which character you'd like to see and whether you prefer a tone of fluff, angst, intimate moments, or a platonic storyline. Even a brief message like 'Hey! I'd love to see a oneshot featuring [character name] with some fluff!' is greatly appreciated.

Thank you once again, from the depths of my heart, for being the incredible readers that you are. Your unwavering passion for storytelling fuels my creativity and fills me with boundless joy. I am honored to have you by my side on this extraordinary journey.

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