The Ren Project

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"We are beyond humanity"

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"We are beyond humanity"

Original name: Symphony Santiago

New name: Winter Wright

Age: 18

Gender: Non-binary (amab)

Pronouns: They/He

Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual

Species: Unknown


> Ice manipulation - Users can create, shape, and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state. As an elemental power, cryokinesis has a nigh-limitless number of uses, only limited by the user's imagination and their natural limits. Fundamentally.

> Vocal mind control - The user can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. Users can persuade people into hurting/killing themselves or even flip around their sense of logic but can never cause victims to achieve what they are not capable of.

Defect: The downfall of their ice manipulation is that they are always freezing cold and heat bothers them a lot. The downfall with vocal mind control is that when they speak regularly they always have a hurting throat from doing so and can't talk much, so they are mainly mute unless they can find a way around it somehow, if they use it too much they tend go cough up blood and/or have a sore throat afterwards.


(Shhh couldn't find what I was exactly looking for ngl but we gonna go with this instead. He looks like baby yet he don't sound nor look like baby 😭)

(Who traumatized Winter like this? Oh yeah me)

(Who traumatized Winter like this? Oh yeah me)

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