Hopeless Adventure

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"I'm sorry for acting like that, it will happen again"

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"I'm sorry for acting like that, it will happen again"

Name: Alfonzo Madlock

Nickname: Alfie, prefers to be called this instead, other nicknames he doesn't mind though he loves nicknames.

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

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Alfie...is one chaotic person. He is very sweet and nice for the most part, can get along with people if he needs to but he is also talkative and gets even more talkative if he gets nervous. He is more so like a roach, he will never die which is completely bonkers because how and why is he still alive. He completely says random and off topic things, not being able to stay on one topic just switching from topic to topic like always. He tries to slow down but he really just can't because he believes if he does he might forget something and he is always so scared of forgetting something.
He forgets things anyways so there is no helping that, especially when he sometimes forgets his own name at times and just tries to remember things so he stares at something thinking of anything that can jog his memory in any way. He is a big nerd and knows a little about everything, more so just well rounded he would say since he can ramble about any topic. Now if it's something he isn't exactly fond of, he will talk about it but might not have a lot of information on that subject honestly. He is the type of guy who would go get a water cup and put sprite in it then would think it's a crime to do that and run off like a maniac because he committed a crime.
He is completely random and unexpected, not even he can predict what he is about to do or say sometimes even surprise he even did/said that. Where his mind is, is a complete mystery but he always forgets anyways so it never really interests him that much honestly where his mind goes. As long as he doesn't hurt the people he cares about he tends to be good on that though. He sometimes wishes he can stop this and be actually reliable or somewhat of a friend for people, he tends to think he is a burden and people only tolerate him for some unknown reason to him, probably using him or something.
He wishes that he can be at least somewhat normal like other people and stop fooling around, finally settling down and making a life for himself like everyone wants to he really can't for some reason, he'll just forget or almost forget the next day anyways. He can be dramatic at times but a funny chaotic dramatic more so honestly. Don't test him though, sure he might be sunshine and rainbows but he can be snarky and sarcastic to shut someone down if he needs to and he does have a mind of his own.



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