Sophmore Year, May 31st

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Steven was still horribly embarrassed by proposing. It was quite possibly the most idiotic thing he'd done during his mental breakdown. If he could have, he'd have gone back in time and socked himself in the nose.

"No Past Steven. This is ridiculous. You're being ridiculous!" He would have shouted.

But Connie had taken it in stride and they could still hang out just like old times.

Like right now with their feet dangling over the dock, toes splashing in the water as they talked about the Unfamiliar Familiar movie franchise.

"They're going to ruin it!" Connie cried out over the waves and ocean sounds. "They always ruin it with movie adaptations!"

He laughed. "We just have to be optimistic!"

"No, they ruined the Percy Jackson movies and they'll do it again! Ugh!" She tossed her head as if the very idea pained her.

She joined his giggles as a bit of a bigger wave sprayed them. He loved the sound of her laugh and suddenly his stopped because gosh, she was so beautiful.

It didn't end up being anything special.

Steven's heartbeat raced even when time slowed and he scooted so their legs were touching. She stopped now too, the moment calling for something else as his hand cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss.

Their first kiss.

It truly wasn't something grandiose.

But it was nice.

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