40 and 41

10 1 16

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to this person cause they wanted more family fluff 🏆Connverse636

When Connie heard the sharp gasp, she immediately turned to see Steven staring at his phone in horror. "What's the matter?"

He heaved a heavy, sad sigh and shook his head. "I accidentally deleted it."

Connie crossed over to pull his head into her stomach as he began to sniffle. "Oh, I know how special it was to you, Steven."


Lucky knew it would be her dad texting her at 3:45 to tell her he loved her, even though they were headed to the roller rink after the rest of the De Mayo- Maheswaren kids got off from school. She was still at the school with them even with being almost 18 and graduated early after she'd fallen in love with teaching. "Don't crash the van, Azalea."

"Actually, it's a van," Celeste mumbled as she turned to the next page in her book. "A van." She drew out the syllables like Lucky must be stupid and Azalea cackled.

"Fine then," Lucky replied cooly. "Don't crash Grandpas van."

"Careful, every time you say that it makes me wanna do it just to see if I have healing powers too," Azalea said, glaring at her a dangerous amount of time.

Lucky rolled her eyes and sighed. Azalea was definitely turning up the alternative teen vibes. At 13, she became they and they shaved their hair down to a pixie cut and dyed half of it lilac and half of it jet black.

Needless to say, Azalea got two suspicious parents trying to not freak them out while they drowned them in questions and their dad pretended to not be terrified out of his mind.

Seraphine and Celine were still in their football gear, and once again Lucky wondered where the hell they'd gotten sports from among the musically and theatrically talented family.

A notification on another app drew her attention back to the phone to see her dads text:


I have kept a voicemail from you for over two years. All you did was to call me to tell me you loved me. I usually listen to it about 20 times a week. This morning, while listening to it I received a phone call and accidentally deleted your voicemail. I am heartbroken and want it back on my phone. Please call me and leave me another "I just wanted to say I love you" message.'

Despite being a recently retired daredevil, Lucky was cursed with her father's proneness to tears. They healed too, but nothing felt quite as good as having a dad who loved them so much. She cleared her throat and held up the phone. "You know what we should do? We should leave dad one of those voicemails where we just tell him we love him."

"You'll both cry," Azalea laughed. "I suppose this one time I can let the L word slip."

Comet scoffed. "You're killing me, Azalea."

They grew an identical sneer to his. "Doesn't seem to be working."

"If you guys start arguing I'm going to record it for blackmail," Celeste warned them.

"I vote Comet. He's got super strength," Celine laughed. "I've been waiting for this fight forever."

"Not while they're driving!" Lucky pleaded but Seraphines voice carried above hers.

"Azalea could grow him a flower!" She belly laughed as Azalea glowered at her in the mirror.

"You guys realize you guys don't have your powers yet, right? At least I'm not a–," They raised their hand to the flower bouquet sitting in the passenger side window for their father to give to their mother. At a single stroke they grew full of life again and they smirked at the twins. "At least I'm not a late bloomer. Or a crybaby."

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