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Comet was a... well, Comet had lots of love to give to his parents. Instead of play with the other children at the park, Comet preferred to stay with his parents and watch. He was curious, but reserved.

Tons of pediatrician visits told them nothing was wrong, but Connie couldn't stop her worrying until they had visited the Crystal Gems one particularly sunny day.

"Whoa, who let these little crazies in the house?" Greg asked with a hearty laugh as the girls squealed and ran for him.

Steven glanced away and down to his son, clinging to his leg. Comet was only 3 since Connie had had a lovely 3 months of recovery before they'd accidentally made a third child. But now his pink eyes met with his fathers and Steven immediately picked him up. Comet hadn't shown any signs of gem powers at all, but his eyes turned pink when he was feeling frustrated or nervous.

"Hey there, Comet. Grandpa will come see you once you're calmer." Greg had easily picked up on Steven and Connie's hints that Comet was gun shy. The gems took a bit longer but once they'd seen a bit of overstimulation, they'd backed off at a warning from two pink eyed people.

Connie patted Comets back as he laid on Stevens shoulder. The man instinctually began to sway to soothe him in the way a parent does once they are accustomed to the lifestyle. "Doctors say he's fine. It's just a bit behind his milestones."

Steven had the urge to remind her about milestones not being concrete, but kept his mouth shut as Garnet stepped out of the temple room and grinned. "I... predicted something like this might happen."

The girls gasped and little footsteps turned into them climbing Garnet.

"Garnet, yesterday I beat Azalea in a race!"

Lucky giggled as Garnet picked her up one handed and Azalea up by the back of her shirt. "I bet I could beat both of you."

"That's no fair! You have future vision!" Azalea proclaimed. "Amethyst has to play too! Mommy, Daddy, can we go play outside?"

"Of course." Steven grinned and moved out the door. "It's a beautiful day just... Be safe. Please."

"And you say I'm a worry wart," Connie teased as they all piled out. The day was too nice to not join them, and despite his care to make sure his father was okay, Steven was a tiny bit of a helicopter parent.

"I just love soaking up as much memories as I can. Plus, there's always a chance of trouble," Steven pointed out, pulling her onto his lap. "I love my perfect little family."

Greg chuckled and sat down wearily. "It's nice isn't it?"

The longing in his father's voice made him once again feel guilty. He'd never experienced anything like this with Rose. It wasn't fair.

He watched as Lucky and Azalea charged across the decidedly slippery sand to try and slap Garnets hand and race back. The unending energy was fascinating to him. Even with his stamina being endless, he could still only tolerate running for so long before he was too sweaty and bored to continue. But their little bodies seemed to be bursting at the seams with motivation.

Except his little Comet. Comet had one arm behind Steven as he leaned and one hand playing with his Mommy's hair as she rested back against him.

After a while Garnet tagged Pearl in, who Azalea immediately began asking to show all the places she'd been. After careful and straightforward discussion, Pearl knew which places to show and which to save for an older age where she would process the real story better.

Garnet was silent, stoic as she watched the children of what she supposed was like a human son to her. She could see endless possibilities with every ticking second, but the scene in front of her was far more interesting.

The rest chatted until the girls asked for water and dinner, so they all packed up and headed inside.

"You coming, Garnet?" Greg asked. "It's gonna get dark soon."

"I'm not afraid of the dark. I've got me as company."

As dinner came near, Connie heard the front door open and shut. Immediately her Mommy Senses were tingling and she followed the sound to watch as her 3 year old walked down to the beach and sat next to Garnet. "Steven."

He excused himself and joined by her side. They watched as Comet did his signature lean and Garnet patted his head. No words that they could hear through the screen or the ocean were exchanged. It seemed they were sitting in a comfortable silence.

"Maybe he's just quiet," Connie relented softly. "Maybe we just birthed a quiet child, and I have to be okay with three blabbermouths instead of four."

Steven sighed in relief. "Yeah, you think? Come on." He lifted her into his arms and thought really hard about telling Garnet dinner was ready. If he thought about it hard enough, it'd eventually become a possibility that he would. Instead he kissed his wife and sat her down gently, tapping her bottom as he passed. "Time for food, girls!" Then he paused midstep. Connie giggled just as Steven scoffed in offense. "Wait, what do you mean four blabbermouths? We only have three kids!"

She only laughed harder.

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