Bloody mane

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Warning: Some many find the story disturbing viewer discretion is advised.

Okami was in their cave they thinking about Tanken and if their father see him he kill him and tear him limb from limb Okami went out to find Tanken as Okami stepped out the snow was very deep causing Okami to sink in a bit.

Tanken: "Oh Okami it you!" Okami: "Yes it me I have to tell you something." Tanken: "Oh okay tell me." Okami: "I have to kill you." Tanken: "What why do you have to kill me?" Okami: "My father will kill you if he's see you I'm sorry." "It for the greater good." Tanken: "Why are you doing this just because your father is gonna kill me doesn't mean you have to kill me."

Okami starts to tear Tanken limb from limb scattered his body part everywhere blood flows out of Tanken chest as Okami rips him open as Okami rips out his heart, lungs, and stomach Tanken is no long alive Okami had successed in their quest.

Arufa: The alpha. "I see you killed that angel good job." "I think you deserve the title of alpha." "I wiped the blood from Tanken body on my paws."

All the wolf workshipped Okami with blood on their paws from Tanken body Okami didn't think they could do it but they did it and they became the alpha and will now live an happy life for the rest of eternity and this is where our story ends for Okami for now.

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