Chapter I : Hundred years ago

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So the story starts like any other stories.

Like 500 or more years ago there was a king and a queen who lived in the perfect empire. After some happy years, fate gifted them a baby. The most gorgeous baby. They named him Kim Hongjoong. The boy was a total sweetheart. Time flew so fast and the little cute boy grew up in a handsome young man. All the empire was mesmerized by his beauty.

But little did the people knew that the prince wasn't happy with his Royal and perfect life. He spent all his life studying and practicing fighting with swords with every and each weapon possible and inpossible. And was forced by his parents to learn okay the piano, guitar and the hardest one violin. And extra he had to study English, Spanish, Turkish, Italian and other more.

He didn't even had time to breath. His program was a strict one and needed to be respected.

Only the holidays and his birthday was a day when he could relax...

And most of the time he spend Christmas, Easter and the others alone. He prefer to spend it alone than staying with his parents and other kings and queens and princesses. Everytime he spend the time with them. His parents will put his to befriend the princess and hope they will end up together. And after almost 2 years they will marry. NO! He tought. He didn't even liked girls. But he couldn't tell this to his parents he will be a disappointment.


Today was Hongjoong's birthday. He hated it.. He hated the fact that people had to spend their money on him to buy him a present. He could buy things himself if he wanted it.

Now all of the empire was celebrating his birthday when a very loud scream was heard. The guards went to see what happened but they only saw a man with a bow in his chest blood polling out of his chest and mouth.

When they went to the dead mean another one died. They were attacked Everyone started to panick and scream. The guards went to fight till others were staying at the castle protecting the royal family.

Hongjoong quickly went to his parents and stayed with them in the throne room.

Suddenly the big door bursted open and lots of guards from the other empire went in and without hesitation he killed his parents.

Hongjoong was staring in shook. He went to his parents and hugged them tight.

-Hongjoong go... Run! Don't look back. Run and don't come back. She told him.
-B-but.. Mom I-.
-No. Hongjoong. Go please. Live your life and don't forget about us. Go my little vampire.
-Goodbye mom.
-Goodbye son.

And that was the end. They died there without any words left.

Hongjoong ran.... As fast as he could.
Not looking back.. Not even once.

Suddenly he stopped. He realized he was lost. He sat himself on the dirty ground and looked at his surroundings. There was nothing he could see. Just a deep and scary forest.

He stood up and started to walk. And walked. He realized he was on his own now. He had to use his skills of fighting to hunt and survive.

And he did it. He survived. Gladly.
After 78 years of being all alone. Just him. He found a village. He slowly entered the village and saw people. For the first time he saw people. He slowly approached and saw some kids playing. He smiled to himself. He wished he could do that too. To play, to be carefree. But not everyone's lives are so interesting.

He was just walking through and suddenly a kid bumped in him.

-Oh.. I'm sorry sir. He said bowing.
-It's ok.
-I've never seen you here before. What your name?
-I'm Kim Hongjoong. You?
-I'm Sang.
-Nice to meet you little one.
-Nice to meet you too.
They paused for a moment and looked in each other's eyes.
-Why, are you'r eyes red?
-I'm a vampire.
-A v-vampire!?
-Why. Did something happened?
-Mom said vampires are very dangerous.
-Well. I'm not. I've never consumed human flesh or blood.
-I'm going to mom.. S-see you.
-Oh, ok. See you.

They boy went in his house and told his mother about the vampire.

This allerted the whole village.
Everyone went out with torches and any dangerous things. To scary the vampire away.

Hongjoong stood there till he heard people coming and the first thing he saw was fire. He got scared and started to go back. Till he fell on the ground.

Tears formed in his eyes bluring his vision. He quickly got up and ran. Again. And ran.

When he saw he was far away from the village he stopped and put himself down and cried.

And cried. And cried. Till he fell asleep. He couldn't tell the time anymore... He just survived. He didn't know how but he survived.


Seonghwa was with his friends at the high school gate. He finally started his last year of high school.

-I'm excited.
-Me too. Said Wooyoung.
-Let's go.

So they went in. Their first day of school was pretty normal. They got the new time tables. Got used with their new or old classes.

Seonghwa got home and threw himself on the couch in the living room.

-Hi Seonghwa. How was school?
-Hi mom. It was ok. I've made some new friends.
-I'm glad. Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes.

Dinner was ready so him and his mother ate talking about their day.

After they finished Seonghwa got ready for bed and went to sleep.

The next day he Went to school. But something was strange.There was pretty crowded.

-Hi guys. Why is so crowded here?
-There is a new student.
-There are rumors that say that he is a pure blood vampire.
Seonghwa's eyes widened.
-Pure blood?!
-He is in your class.
-Oh, ok...... WHAT!
-Yeah. Why?
-I don't know. Maybe the fact that I told I'm scared of vampires.
-Hey. I'm a vampire too.
-Mingi you are half vampire. Pure blood vampires are more strong and vigilant and shits.
-Ok. Ok. Relax. It's not like he is gonna eat you up in the first day of school.
-I'm glad. He said.
-Maybe he is gonna eat you up before holidays.
-Mingi you are not helping.
-Ok. Sorry, sorry.

Seonghwa tensed and entered the class. Then he saw him. The vampire.

He was the most gorgeous and beautiful vampire to ever exist.

Oh, god he was sitting next to him. Oi shit.
He silently sat on the chair next to the vampire and got his things out for his first class.

He sat there with his hands on his lap and keept his gaze on his legs.

-Are you scared?
Seonghwa panicked and said
-I-I...... I'm s-sorry.
-What are you sorry for angel?
Seonghwa widened his eyes and he blushed a very deep shade of red.
-I-I.... I'm not scared of you.
-Aha. I'm glad. Then why are you so tensed? Cuz I'm a vampire?
-N-No. I have vampire friends.
-What's your name, angel?
Seonghwa gulped hard and said.
-Oh, sorry. How rude of me. I'm Seonghwa, Park Seonghwa.
-I'm Kim Hongjoong. Nice to meet you. He took Seonghwa's hand and kissed his knuckles. Seonghwa blushed again, harder.
-N-Nice t-to meet you as well. Would you.... Would you mind joining me and my friends for lunch?
-Sure. So are we friends?
-Oh, am.... Yeah. We can be friends.
-I'm honored to be your friend.
Seonghwa giggles and says.
-You are talking like you are meeting some prince or princess.
-Trust me. If you were a prince I would ask you to marry me. You are very beautiful. Do you have a lover?
-N-No. I don't.
-How could a beautiful creature like you be single in this world.
-Ok stop it right here. First I'm independent. I don't need a lover to protect me.
"Independent.I like it. " He thought.

And this is how the 2 spent their first period. Talking and getting to know each other.


Ok this is the first chapter. I hope you like it. I will start to write the next one right away. ❤❤❤❤

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