Chapter VI: Maybe I Love You.

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The next day came. Everyone heard about Hongjoong being the prince. They were shocked but of course they trusted Seonghwa. Now Mingi was taking Extra classes and other extra classes from his cousin to get himself ready to be Hongjoong's lawyer. While he was getting ready the others were trying to get any kind of evidence that will convince the court that the canvas is legally Hongjoong's. For now they only found that Hongjoong has a small scar on his neck that his father the king also had it. But this wasn't enough.

Mingi's cousins Woo-Sik (invented name)
Also helped them but they only went to the hospital and took Hongjoong a DNA test. But they had to wait. In rest.... Nothing.

The days went on. Without getting any evidence. Days turned into 3 weeks.

Hongjoong decided he had to go back... To his home.... He took Seonghwa with him.

He saw how the castle looked. It looked......... Burned.... It looks like it was from a horror movie. He closed his eyes and one tear fell from his eye along his cheeks. Seonghwa looked at the castle in shock.

-I'm sorry.
-It's ok....... It couldn't look good after 518 years. Let's enter.

As he entered. He saw the throne. It looked horrible. He looked up and saw everything made from wood burned. He wiped his tears and went upstairs. Seonghwa went with him.

He entered his room. This room.... Still looked like it could be repaired. He went to a chest beside his bed and opened it. He took out a big and heavy sword.
-They found the canvas but not the kings sword. What a bastard. He whispered enough for him and Seonghwa to hear. He lifted the sword and took if the dusted that formed on it.
-Still the same. He smiled to himself. He also took the support for the sword. He looked through other things and found a letter. It looked.... Ancient... He sat on his bed and opened it..

"Dear Hongjoong

Hi Joongie..... If you don't know I'm your mother. I'm writing you this because they are coming for us.I put in this chest anything that would or won't be useful for you. I can feel it.... If we are going to die I want you to know that we love you. Very much. And we are very sorry. I know apologize won't change anything but please understand. Please don't see us as cowards or something. Please. Take care of this things. This may be the only things that survived from this whole castle. Please take care of them more than anything. I love you Joong.And dad loves you too.Goodbye prince Kim Hongjoong.

With love


Hongjoong stayed there and cried with Seonghwa comforting him.
-Why didn't you ran? He screamed. But in the same time you couldn't. You had to stay there. Letting minutes pass. I love you too mother. He said between sobs and tears.

- I'm sure she will be proud of you.
-Why. I didn't fight. I ran. Like a coward.
-No.. She is proud that you survived many years without anything. She is proud of you. I'm proud of you.
-I'm proud of you too.
-Why are you proud. He said chuckling.
-Because...... You didn't gave up.. You accepted your fate. Look at you. You are only 18 but you are already be coming a parent. People might think it's very hard. And it is. But you proved them that you can do anything and take care of a upcoming baby. This is why I'm proud of you. And you should be proud of yourself too.
-Thanks Hongjoong. It means a lot....
-You sound like a king.
Hongjoong chuckled and hugged Seonghwa.
-Thanks Hwa.
-Anytime, Joong.... Now how do we take it.
Hongjoong put the sword back and closed the chest and lifted it.
-Oh, right. I forgot your a vampire.
-Let's go.
Seonghwa shifted into his wolf form leaving Hongjoong with his mouth open. He was mesmerized by the werewolf's beauty. He was fully white with the most beautiful blue eyes. His eyes. We're like the sky. He stared at him a few minutes getting lost in them.

Seonghwa saw him and licked his nose.
The wolf barked. Willing his tail from left to right.
-Let's go.

And they left. They arrived at Hongjoong's appartament.... They entered and put the chest in his room.
-Why don't you shift back?
The werewolf barked.
-Is something, wrong?
Seonghwa took a blanket from the couch and shifted back. He was naked. He blushed a deep shade of red and covered himself with the fluffy blanket. And stayed there on the floor naked.
-Do you have any clothes by any chance?
-Yes. Let's go.
Seonghwa wanted to get up but was lifted up by Hongjoong in bridal style.
Seonghwa didn't complain.

When they arrived in the room. Seonghwa went to shower and Hongjoong went down stairs. After he came out of the shower he realized. He didn't have any clothes. He just climbed up in the bed naked. He felt actually pretty relaxed without clothes. He covered himself and snuggled up in Hongjoong's pillow.

After like 1 hour Hongjoong came back and saw Seonghwa snuggled up in his pillow. He smiled and went to him. He saw his collarbone and shoulder. He took a little the blanket of and saw a small part of his chest. He was naked. He just put himself on Seonghwa's side of bed and stayed beside Seonghwa and hugged him. He caressed the white milky skin of his shoulder then he kissed it gently.
-What are you doing to me? Make me doubt my own feelings. You will be the death of me.

Seonghwa turned and snuggled up with the blanket and then in Hongjoong's chest. He smiled and hugged Seonghwa back.

He just stayed like this and admired the Omega's beauty. He took from his face some strands of black hair and out them under his ear.

-Maybe, just maybe. I love you. Then he kissed his cheek and went to bed.


Yayy. I updated. I will try to update tomorrow but I'm not very sure of it. And on Sunday I'll surely can't. I have a test at math on Monday😫😫😫😫. Wish me luck.

Love you. Bye❤❤❤

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