Chapter VII: The lawyer

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It was a beautiful morning ... Hongjoong woke up next to a fluffy Seonghwa. He felt hair, more fur brushing his face. He lifted his head and saw the same beautiful wolf he saw yesterday. So yeah... Seonghwa shifted... He was disappointed he couldn't see those beautiful blue eyes.. Those eyes he was getting lost in them everytime he was locking eyes with Seonghwa. He gently scratched the spot behind his ear making the white wold wake up.
-Good morning.
The wolf cleared his vision and then he closed them again snugggling his nose in Hongjoong's neck inhaling the smell of his shower gel..... It was intoxicating, but still he couldn't get enough if it...
Seonghwa shifted back to his human form and covered more with the blankets.. He didn't want Hongjoong to see his disgusting skinny body. Even though it wasn't so skinny anymore because of the pregnancy.... He still thought he looked like shit...

-Good morning. He said with a muffled voice.
-Do you want anything special for breakfast?
-No.. I'm not hungry. I can't eat so early in the morning.
-Ok, then. I'll go get ready. I have to meet with Mingi and his cousin. You can stay in bed. If your hungry you have something made for you in the kitchen.

Then he entedred the bathroom and did his business while Seonghwa was staying in bed and stared at the ceiling then at the empty spot where Hongjoong slept.

Suddenly he felt nauseous and went and knocked at the bathroom door.

-Yes? He heard from the other side if the door.
-Have you finished?
-Yes, I was brushing my theet, why?
-Nauseous, morning. He said.
Hongjoong understood and opened the door. Seonghwa went to the toilet and threw up...

Hongjoong couldn't do anything. Ha was just rubbing Seonghwa's back in a comforting manner hoping that the Omega may feel better. After he finished he helped Seonghwa to brush his theet to get rid of the disgusting feeling in his mouth.
-Thank you... And I'm sorry I disturbed you.
-Anytime.... It's ok. You didn't disturb me. You can't disturb me. And in this state you aren't disturbing me at all.

Then he realized.... Hongjoong was shirtless... Suddenly his pale face turned a pale shade of red, then slowly started to become more and more red.
-Did something happened?
-You sure? He said then smirked when he realized why was Seonghwa blushing.
-I'm going back to bed.
-What? Like what you see?
-S-shut up.... Stop it... Then he quickly went to the door but he was grabbed by his waist and pinned to the bathroom counter with Hongjoong'a hands on his sides.
-Why, are you so red?
-Are you sure? Then he started to approach Seonghwa's face till some inches were left between them. He could feel Hongjoong's breathe on his face.

-You are going to be late. L-let me g-go...
He wanted to escape but Hongjoong tightened his grip on his waist. Now he knew. He was blocked.

He approached him and the poor Omega closed his eyes aware of what will happen.

But.. He felt nothing. He only felt a soft pair if lips pressing on his nose. Then he opened his eyes... He was alone....

He felt relived but dissapointed that they didn't kiss.

He went out of the bathroom turned the lights of and saw Hongjoong admiring himself in the mirror.

They locked eyes for a second before Seonghwa broke the eye contact and covered himself with the blanket with his face turned to Hongjoong.

-How are you feeling? He asked, now without his smirk and dirty words. He was just worried.
-I'm little better. But I still feel little nauseous.
He went to the bed and touched Seonghwa's forehead. He kissed his forehead and looked at him with a worried face.
-Call me if you feel bad or something.. For now you can sleep. But after you wake up please eat something.
-M'kay.. He said and snuggled up in the blankets.
-Bye... Take care..
-You too.

Then he left.

Seonghwa sighed loudly and got up from the bed. He couldn't sleep.

He went to Hongjoong's side of bed and took his pillow and pyjama shirt and out them on his side of bed.

He saw himself in the mirror and saw his belly looked a little, just a little bigger than last month. He sighed and slowly put his hand on his lower abdomen and slowly rubbed with his thumb his belly. He smiled softly then he went to his side of bed. He covered with the blankets and hugged Hongjoong's pyjama shirt and put his head on the vampire's pillow and inhaled his perfume.

-If you were the father..... I've could sleep peacefully. He said to himself. Why have my life to be so chaotic.. Can't I have a normal life? At least, let the baby have a normal and healthy life. Then he slowly drifted to sleep.


Hongjoong was at Mingi's house with his cousin talking about the upcoming case.

-Next week.... Your case will be closed. We have to get more evidence before it. I taught Mingi everything I knew. From now it depends just on you two.
-Thank you Woo Sik.. It meant a lot.. Your help meant a lot.
-Anytime. Good luck.
-Thank you.
-Bye. Said Mingi and Hongjoong.
-Goodbye. Said Woo Sik back.

After he left the house he sighed and made his way home.. He just forgot about the case as his mind drifted slowly to the Omega he was surely in love with. He smiled to himself.

Once he entered the house and locked the door and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and saw that the Omega ate at least something from the breakfast he made... But instead he saw more food in the kitchen. He smiled and closed the fridge and went upstairs to his bedroom.

He slowly entered and saw the lights were closed and Seonghwa was sleeping on the bed with his shirt in his embrace and snuggled up in his pillow.

The vampire smiled widely at the picture in front of him.

He approached and opened the lights and took a photo of the sleeping Omega. Then he closed the lights left his phone on his desk and went to take a shower, then changed his clothes and climbed in bed and hugged the Omega.... He wasn't tired. So he didn't sleep he only stayed there and admired the Omega's beautiful features. From his dark hair to his soft lips. He always thought how would his lips feel on his. What will happen then. But he knew there were low chances for him to be liked back by the Omega.


I swear I'm going to write another one.


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