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The impending darkness descended upon Crystal town in it's angry form giving beautiful Amara the chills as she and her annoyingly persistent friends approach the club. Amara looked around with a forlorn face and a twisted lips. She is quite not satisfied.

Perry, one of her friends glanced back at her and chuckled. “Hey. Guys. Check this out. Amara is having the chills.“

Michael and Binta looked back and laughed
Amara bit her lip. “It's not funny guys."

Micheal flashed her his handsome charming smile that sets all the girls swooning. Amara just rolled her eyes and that never ceased to amaze him. Amara is the only stiff headed stunning, pretty girl that is just so immune to charms and all that. Every single bachelor  who attended CCOL( Crystal College of Literature) knew that. There was nothing that can ever be done to get her attention.

He walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her neck cuddling her a little. “Hey Come on. Just do this. For my sake. Consider this as just a little, minor celebration okay. There is no other fun way to celebrate this than visiting the club. Come on, be fun for once.“

Amara glared at him and he chuckled. She sighed. “Fine. Just for celebration like you said.  And no alcohol. I'm not ready to weighlift anyone home.“

Perry laughed. " My oh my. I so much love this motherly side of Amara.“

Amara squinted her eyes at her and she chuckled. “Alright alright. Guys. Let's speed this up. It's getting late.“

Amara took a deep breath. She's about getting into the den of weirdos. A den she has fought to avoid all her life. Well, she succeeded through college but it's seems like Mother nature wasn't planning on letting her off the hook. Someone wrapped a huge warm arm around her shoulder as Perry and Binta walked in. She looked up to see Michael smiling at her.

“Hey. It's going to he fine okay. Trust me.“ He said.

She looked at him and smiled. She nodded.

He beamed. " Great. Just follow my lead."

Amara couldn't help beaming at him. He was and will always be her closest friend. Right from the moment she met him in her second year in college, he has been nothing but a tolerant, kind friend and is the only guy who had really shoked her and changed her perception a little that all guys are just whoremongers. He never asked for anything. He just gave all he had to help and also did everything he could to help her even though she never asked for it. That was the one thing that got her enamoured to him. He is the only guy everyone has ever seen her with and thus, that earned them the badge of a well fitted couple.

Micheal had always teased her with that but she always brushed it aside standing firm on her ground that nothing will ever make her get married. She detested the distraction as she called it. That made her friends look at her as a weirdo.

She sighed. “Okay.“ She muttered and clung to him as they entered the club.

Perry and Binta were already at a table waiting for them. Amara adjusted her hair as she joined them.

“What kept you lovebirds so long? Were you planning a festivity?“

Amara rolled her eyes and Michael chuckled. " We were making plans on how our kids will surface."

Amara swung her head to glare at him. " Seriously?“

He could only laugh. “Easy babe. It was an honest joke. Nothing more.“

Perry and Binta kept casting them teasing, knowing glances. Amara glanced at them both. “Guys. Not now. Can we get this celebration over with? I'm beginning to feel so creepy here.“

Micheal smiled and sat beside her. " Yeah. Let's hurry it up. My baby is beginning to get exasperated."

Amara turned to him and he winked.

Perry beamed at them both and turned to call in the bartender when a cute, handsome one walked up to them and dropped a cup of champagne in front of Amara.

Amara looked at the bottle confused. She looked up at the beaming bartender.

He chuckled. “My apologies ma'am. But uh…that handsome fellow asked me to give this to you.“ He said pointing elsewhere.

Amara and her gang turned towards the direction he pointed out. Truth to be told, a really handsome fellow sat there but he was the kind that made Amara's head scream, Run!!!

He was what she would describe as cute but deadly. He's a blond haired fellow with glowing crystal blue eyes and  a well sculptured huge , manly frame. The type that spoke of excessive workouts. Largly designed tattoos of dragons and snakes covered his huge muscular built arms like a skin tight arm shirt and she gulped. He was nothing like her. He winked beautifully at her and she immediately turned her attention back to her table.

“Shit." She muttered with disgust.

Perry chuckled. “My oh my. Looks to me like you are being hit on Amara. And damn, he's so cute.“

Amara glared at Perry who raised her hands in surrender. “I'm sorry. My bad."

“This is the reason I never wanted to visit the club.“

" Why? Because you knew you'd be hit on?“ Binta said with her every focus on the blond fellow. “Damn.  He's so hot Amara. What the hell are you waiting for? Don't keep him waiting.“

Amara glared at her.

" Amara is going nowhere." Michael who had been silent all long finally spoke up and stood. They all looked at him with surprise etched on their faces. “In fact, I think we should get going." He said and held Amara's hand.

Amara: "…."

Binta: “….“

Perry: "…."

They were all taken aback by his sudden action but none was more happy than Amara for his support.

She then beamed at him. “That's right. I have to get going." She stood and looked at the bottle of champagne in front of her. " One more thing." She said with a smirk. Her friends looked at her wondering what she was up to.

She picked up the bottle and walked up to the fellow. Michael furrowed his eyebrows.

Perry's eye's widened. “Is she going to do what I think she's going to do?"

Binta nodded. " Oh yeah. She's darn well gonna do it."

As they were still talking, Amara paused before the amused fellow and emptied the entire champagne on his head. All his friends all gathered at his table chuckled and laughed amongst themselves with amusement.

“Great. And she did it.“ Perry muttered.

Michael stared at Amara as she catwalked back with so much pride and elegance. He chuckled softly to himself. This girl never ceased to amaze him in every way.

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